part two- im not gay

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Draco stood in his Slytherin dorm doing his hair before he went down to the Dinning hall, he had a black eye and busted lip but he didn't mind. He felt powerless he couldn't even keep the one he loves safe so how could he possibly keep himself save. Draco didn't even care if his life ended, maybe that's what he needed to be dead like everyone else.

He hated his life nothing seemed to matter to him anymore, he knew he was better off dead. He's gay his parents would kill him, he's in love with the boy who lived, and most of all he's a bloody Slytherin. He was just misunderstood and everyone knew so, he acted the way he did was because he wanted to impress his father.

But now since he's older that's nearly impossible as he tested out already, Draco was lost once again, he didn't want to live. He's been feeling this way since third year and he couldn't help the way he was feeling. Draco pulled on his robes as he walked down to the dinning hall with his group of friends who committed on his black eye.

They walked down the the dinning hall he and Harry made direct eye contact. It was as if their stare held so many emotions that they had to keep to themselves. Draco sent a glare twords Ron who he had bad two black eyes and a broken nose. Draco made his way over to the griffondor table as the griffondors watched and looked right at Harry.

He made hand movements meaning to meet him in the boys bathroom and Harry hesitantly nodded. Harry didn't know if he could trust Draco, he's Draco beat the crap out of Ron because of what Ron was doing at least that's what he thought. But Draco hated his guts, and plus Draco is straight not gay. Harry would admit that he liked Draco and fantasize about him all the time, in a few different ways.

Draco snuck out of the dinning hall as he made his way to the boys loo, he knew Harry would be there in a short time. Draco bit his lip as his anxiety went up, why Draco felt that way was beyond him. He was never this nervous before but now he's a nervous reck, Draco paced back and forth having a inner battle with himself. He decided not to tell Harry about his attraction he didn't want to scare him off.

He was just going to apologise to him for everything that he's ever done, even if a apologi isn't enough to say sorry about what he had done. It wouldn't be enough but it's the thought that counts isn't it? Draco ran a hand through his hair as he heard the door open and close. That could only mean that Harry's here and he wanted to see him! Draco shook the thought out of his mind. Draco dismissed the thought out of his head, he knew deep down that Harry wasn't into him.

Harrys straight and Draco couldn't accept that, he wanted him with a passion and no one is going to get in the way of what Draco wanted. Except maybe his parents, Harry looked at Draco with a questioning look as he bit his lip and looked down.

"Thank you Draco" Draco looked suprised

"Y-your welcome Harry" Draco noticed his mistake as Harry's eyes widen because Draco didn't call him Potter.

"You called me Harry" Draco nodded and took a step closer to Harry.

"I'm sorry for um everything I just..." Draco thought he was for a fact brake down and he did, he started to sob. No one has ever seen Draco cry not even his own mother or father, if that's what he could call them anymore. Draco felt arms around him as he sunk to the floor in a sobbing mess, Harry didn't judge Draco, how could he? Harry understood why Draco was a bully to almost everyone.

But what made him stop all of a sudden it was odd to Harry, Draco was always someone who got his way. It didn't make since this feeling that both of these boys are feeling twords each other. It's new and confusing, Harry hugged Draco as he cried, he didn't understand why Draco was crying. No one was aware of the way he has been feeling, "Draco?" Draco calmed down a bit and looked at the shorter boy who had his arms around Draco.


"I'm sorry" Draco looked at Harry like he had grown three heads,

"Why are you sorry you hadn't done anything" Harry shook his head at the blond boy.

"Because I got you in trouble and I shouldn't have even went with them" Draco laughed dryly at the shorter boy. Draco didn't once blame Harry for what had happened to him, if anything he blamed Ron and the other boys for it.

"Don't blame yourself Harry" Harry blushed a bit

"Why did you do it?"

Draco smirked at the boys shyness

"Well I did what I did because what he was doing pissed me off easy as that".

Harry blushed as Draco smirked

"Thank you"

Draco laughed a real laugh he hadn't done that in a while and he was grateful. It felt amazing he wanted to feel this way, when he was around Harry he felt like the world stopped for a while.

"Don't sweat about it Harry" Draco said as they talked for a while in the boys bathroom 'how ironic' Draco thought to himself as he made his way to the library. He grabbed a book and sat down at one of the many tables in the library.

How could he make his situation better? Who could help him it's not like you see a gay wizard everyday. In fact it's rare to see one, all Draco ever wanted was someone to love him but it wasn't that easy and he knew it.

"Draco Malfoy" Draco's eyes snapped up to meet his friends blazes

"Uh yeah?"

"What's goin on with you and that bloody Potter we saw you both walking out of the bathroom, he didn't blow you or anything did he?"

Draco's face went red as he shook it, the thought of Harry down on his knees arouses Draco.

"What no, why'd you think that?"

Blaze laughed quietly

"Because you lot where in there for a while and it turnt some heads"

Draco coughed

"I'm not gay"

Blaze rolled his eyes

"Stop the act Draco we all know you are". Draco shakes his head

"That's bloody stupid why would you think that?"

Blaze laughed and sat next to Draco sighing

"Draco we see how you look at that Potter boy, it's bloody brilliant"

Draco felt panicked he couldn't let anyone know that he's gay.

"I'm not bloody gay!" Blaze rolled his eyes

"Whatever you say Draco"

I'm Sorry For The Thing's Ive Done (Darry)Where stories live. Discover now