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Y/N's pov

Back to school I go. The only exciting part for me is seeing c/n.

Ofc bf/n as well but I like to look at c/n the most.

I entered the building and walked to the gym.

"Heyy y/n!" Bf/n said.

"Hey bf/n!" I said as I hugged her/him

"Girl you won't believe this but I overheard c/n and his/her friends talking about you." Bf/n said.

"You for real? No you for fake?" I asked bf/n.

"I'm for real girl. There he is now." Bf/n pointed.

"Y/n!" C/n called for me.

I walked over to where she/he and his/her friends were.

"Yes?" I asked looking mainly at c/n.

"We got a question. Who would you date out of us." C/n licked his/her lips.

"Um.... random, random, and you." I said.

(Put random names there where it says random.)

"I knew it!" Random said.

C/n smiled and nodded.

I walked away and back to bf/n.

"Ahhhhh I got to talk to him/her!" I said.

Bf/n laughed and nodded.

"I don't know what you see in him/her. She/He ugly." Bf/n said.

"Bruh I really don't care. He/she is cute!" I said.

"Let's go to the bathroom." Bf/n said.

C/n pov

I'm so happy y/n said she would date me.

Maybe I have a chance with her/him.

I've liked her since 9th grade... I just have a good way hiding it.

Maybe I'll ask her out today.

Y/n pov

Skip to the end of the day

I was walking with bf/n to leave school but I heard someone familiar call my name...

"Y/N!!" I heard c/n call me.

I looked back and walked towards him.

"Yes c/n?" I asked trying to keep my cool.

"So uh. You remember in the gym when you said you would date me?" He asked.

My face dropped. He found out I like him!

"Y-yeah why?" I asked nervously.

"Well. Believe it or not I... I have a crush on you. Would you like to go out sometime?" He asked.

I immediately smiled while blushing and nodded my head rapidly.

"Seriously?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah... I mean it's fine if you don't-" I cut c/n off.

"I would love to. I actually like you too." I smiled.

He/she smiled and hugged me.

I hugged him back and I got his number.

"I'll text you y/n." He smiled.

I smiled and nodded.

I went back to bf/n and walked out.

"So... you gonna tell me what happened or..." Bf/n said.

"He asked me out!" I basically screamed.

"Ahhhhhhh! I told you you had a chance with her/him!"Bf/n said.

"You were right." I blushed.

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