General Info

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1) character name:
2) name origin:
3) nickname - if any (if so, explain origin - who created it? Etc):
4) does s/he like the nickname:
5) birthdate:
6) place of birth:
7) ethnic background:
8) religion:
9) degree of religious practice (e.g. orthodox, casual, lapsed):
10) current address:
11) does s/he rent or own:
12) brief description of home (apartment, house, trailer, etc.):
13) does s/he live with anyone:
14) describe the area in which s/he lives (big city, town, rural, other):
15) is this his/her ideal home location? If not, what would s/he prefer:
16) home decor (check all that apply): ___expensive ___inexpensive ___carefully planned ___comfortable ___neat ___cluttered
17) when someone walks in what's his/her first impression:
18) Pets: ___no (why?) ___yes
19) if yes, what kind and how many? What are their names:
20) how important are they and how well are they treated:
21) current occupation (include length of time, location, and job title):
22) job satisfaction (happy, discontent, ambitious...):
23) income level:
24) education level:
25) does s/he drive? What kind of car does s/he own, if any? (Make, model, color, age, etc.):
26) sexuality (straight, gay, bisexual, asexual, unsure, etc):
27) marital status:
28) if currently married or romantically involved, with whom and for how long:
29) list any significant previous romantic partners:
30) for current spouse/partner, what does character call him/her (pet names, nicknames, etc.):
31) how did they meet:
32) any children? (Include names, ages, other parent of different from current partner):
33) describe relationship with child (if any):

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