Chapter 14

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This chapter is dedicated to AbigailMahone74 because she always votes for my book and helps me with a lot of the chapters, so I would just like to say thank you!

~Austin's pov~
-this goes back quite a while back, hope you like it :)-
"Why is it that the only thing I feel is horny?" I said moving closer to Abby, Abby started playing around with me and I have to say I think I may like her a lot more as this 'bad girl' damn... she's hot
I liked her as a bad girl but then again every time I look at her all I feel is horny because well... that's all I really can feel
Abby was now about twenty feet away from me just walking, I started to get a wired feeling though, like someone was watching us?
I looked over to the left and didn't see anything
Then I looked over to the right
I started walking some more, I looked at Abby and she looked back at me, that beautiful smile.
I started hearing ticking I don't know where it was coming from.. maybe the sounds are coming back, damn it, those sounds took me forever to get out of my head, if I was worried they would get loud if I started yelling the sounds would get loud
Everything I used to do every emotion I had, the sounds would never leave.
As the ticking got louder and louder
Tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic
I looked over to the left and noticed Zach was standing right there, I looked at him as he looked at me, he just stood there, motionless
What ever happened to me and him being friends?
We were all best friends, I met him from his gift and he met me from mine, then I introduced him to Alex and we all became friends.
"Hey, Zach..." I said waving
He walked up to me and took off his shades off
He actually showed his eyes
Zach took off his shades....
He always has those damn things on even at night.
I also noticed that Abby was far away now and no where in site
"Okay Zach what do-" I was cut off by Zach putting his hand behind my head and his other hand on my jaw, he then just snapped my neck
~ 2 hours later ~
I woke up in a room
It was Abby's room, It looked pretty fucked up.
The only bad thing was, is that I smelled blood
I started to look around to see where it was coming from, then I found it
There was a little puddle of blood on Abby's art desk
It wasn't Abby's though, it was someone else's.
Then I started thinking
How the hell did I even get here?
I honestly have no idea why I'm here in Abby's room, all I remember is me and Abby were walking then....Zach... Zach came to talk to me but then he... that asshole
He killed me, but you know I can't actually die because well...
I got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom, nothing or anyone was there
I went downstairs and looked around "Carter?" I said looking at him
"Tell me, Austin-" Carter cut off and turning around to face me, Carter ran up to me and looked directly in my eyes, I knew what he was doing. he was going to hypnotize me... well he's gonna try. "-dose Abby have her memory back," Carter had a very calm voice, I couldn't even control myself because the next thing is me replying "yes Carter she dose have her memory back and me and her are in love again,"like always I had no emotion in my voice, fuck he has me under his fucking hypothesis, I'm falling for his shit again.
"How long has she had her memory back?" Carter said in his deep calm voice
"Every sense yesterday," I said
Damn, I don't mean to say this shit but it just keeps coming out.
"Where is she!" Carter yelled, okay now he seems pissed.... "I don't know, I haven't seen her ever sense the time Zach came," I said, I then snapped back and I was able to look at different things and not just Carters eyes.
"What was that about anyway, the thing with Zach, see Carter, I know you sent him to 'stalk' me," I said intwining my hands together
"Yes, yes I did and know ask yourself, how do you think I just randomly started asking you these things," Carter said with one of his cooky smirks.
I shook my head in disgust, I turned away and Carter just seemed to appear where I had turned, "Austin I want you to met a friend of mine." Carter said putting his hand on my shoulder and turning me around, Carter started walking over to Abby's dads office, what the hell, Carters inviting other people into Abby's house?!
I walked into the office with Carter and saw this guy, "Austin, I would like you to met my boss," the guy turned around and smirked "this is my boss, Robert,"
What this guy's the boss of Carter?
Carter looks like he would be the boss of him!
Robert was wearing all black, I black shirt black jeans and then white shoes.
"Wow you guys really do look just alike," Robert said with a chuckle at the end of that sentence
I really have always wondered why me and him look so alike, I guess that's going to be an unknown thing that I will never figure out.
"Yeah. I never really know why though," Carter said walking up to Robert.
They were side to side now, "Austin, how would you like to be apart of a very strong gang," Robert said leaning on the desk with his hands crossed
What the hell, I don't know if this is bad or not but, I've herd of this guy,Robert is the biggest 'gangster' in the world, he kills people, blows up places, this guys a big deal, and he wants me to work for him.
Honestly....the last thing that would pop in my mind is Carter working for this badass,Carters vary weak compared to this guy, honestly I feel like I should take it, I don't know what will happen if a say no, he may try to kill me or worst...he may try to kill Abby, "so, Austin what do you think, do you want it or not." Carter said with a smile
This must be the real fucking deal if Carter smiled at me!
I don't think this is the right choice but, I think I'm going to take this
Carters been literally having the best life ever since I've met him, and that was a pretty long time ago. and Carter was always talking about this gang that he was in, and how much he loved it, and now that I look at him, nothing has changed. Carter still looks like the nice looking guy with a deadly hart and amazing life that he himself adores.
"Okay I'll take it," Robert smirked and looked over at Carter, Carter looked back at Robert
Then they both looked at me. this just got really wired...
I felt my phone vibrate from my pocket, I pulled out my phone and saw it was Abby, I totally forgot about her....
It was a text from her,
'hey okay there is a stupid bitch that I hate at the bank, she's off in 5 mins and I gave her the address, you know what to do. You up for it?'
I looked up at Robert and Carter, they were still looking at me
"Abby?" Robert said
How the hell dose he know her? Ehh I don't care
"Yeah... someone's coming over, I've never met her but I guess we have to kill her or something I don't know."
"That's exactly what we need right now-" Robert cut off and looked at Carter "-a body." Carter finished.
"Wait do you mean.... like I have to fully kill the person to be apart of this or just half way kill, like I aways do," I noticed that Roberts face tilted, "half kill?" Robert said in confusion "yeah that's what he does because he doesn't like to kill kill the person, he just drink half of her blood then hypnotize them to forget about what he did." Carter filled in
Right then the front door came open, I walked out of the office to see who it was, it was Alex and he was holding a body in his arms, I looked at him a tilted my head, "long story," Alex said starting to walk to the back room.
Ha know let me remind you this is Abby's house
"Hold on Alex, where did you find her?" I asked wondering if this was the girl I was going to kill
"I don't know, she was walking over here, and I guess she's a business bitch because she had all these tags on her, oh but hey is Carter here!" Alex said
Fuck, he killed the girl I was going to kill, fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Now we're gonna have to find I new fucking girl.
"Hello, Austin, is Carter here or not, I need to know," Alex said waving his hands
"Yes..yes, I am here Alex," Carter said from behind me, Alex eyes widen, what the fuck was up with them?
"And I know who we're gonna kill now," Carter said putting his hands together, well I would like to know who that is, who the hell are we going to kill now?
"Your not going to find her or kill her, she's now safe with Abby," Alex said motionless, wait now Abby's in this what the hell is going on!
"Can someone tell me what's going on,"I said turning around
"Oh so now she's with Abby!" Carter yelled
"Yeah she is, and I know that Abby will do anything to help Sarah!"
"Yeah but Alex, don't forget, she's also a little vampire that doesn't know how to do shit!, and oh let me remind you Austin and her are soulmates, and he can easily tack her down." Carter finished
So he dose remember that me and Abby are at least soulmates. Alex's eyes widen, "yeah Alex, he found out," I said in a pissed voice "now please tell me what the hell is going on, before I fucking cut a bitch!" I said putting on One of Abby's SnapBacks that I randomly found
"Austin were the hell is Abby." Carter said looking at me
"Don't Austin!" Alex yelled
"Tell me what the fuck is going on and I will tell you were Abby is!" I yelled
I actually knew exactly were Abby was at the Avondale hotel, but I'm not telling Carter if he doesn't fucking tell me what the hell is going on, why the hell is Alex and Carter being like this?
Right then Robert came in the living room and sat down on the couch "Austin don't make this hard and just tell us were Abby is," Robert said
"And if a don't?" I said in a pissed off voice
"Then I'll kill you friend Alex here,"Robert said speeding over to Alex and grabbing Alex's neck with his arm, what the fuck!
Alex's expression was in shock, as I stood there motionless, not knowing what the fuck to do.
"Go ahead Robert, kill me then, I'll die for my sole mate." Alex said, wait Alex has a sole mate? And I didn't fucking know, yeah Abby's my sole mate,forever and always I love her more then anything id be nothing without her, but then again I'd be nothing without Alex. and if I tell then Robert may kill Abby but if a don't tell then.... Alex will get killed.
Roberts grip on Alex's neck got titer, "okay, okay, okay I'll tell you were she is!" I said trying to make Robert stop
"No Austin don't!" Alex yelled
"Then were is she Austin!" Carter said getting up off the couch.
"S-she's at the Avondale...hotel," I said taking off the SnapBack and brushing my hair with my hand
Robert let Alex go "fuck you Austin," was the last thing I herd from Alex then he ran out of the house.
"Will you please tell what the fuck just happened!?" I said
"Austin....Alex has a sole mate..-" Carter said before I cut him off
"So fucking what!? Alex should be happy with his sole mate, don't do the same thing I've done to, to Alex.. he to much of a good guy!" I yelled
"Austin, what you don't know about his sole mate, is that she will kill him."Carter said, this bitch is trying to make up things to kill the poor girl. what the fuck man!
"How the hell will she kill Alex?" I said waving my hands I the air
"Austin.....her name is Sarah...shes a witch."
"Is that even okay in the vampire or witch world or whatever it is?" I said siting down
"No it's not, but she doesn't even know that she is or how to use her magic, so if we get to her right now then she may get to Alex," Carter said trying to trick me
When will he ever understand that I'm not a fucking idiot anymore?
I walked up the stairs and pulled out my phone
I needed to text Alex
'Is she really a witch?'
I waited about five minutes until Alex had finally texted me back
'Yes Austin she is, and now she's gonna die because of you'
'I don't think you understand Alex, if I didn't tell Robert he would have killed you'
'I don't think you understand Austin that I said I will die for my sole mate'
Angrier just ran though my body, I just saved his fucking life and what dose he do to say thank you?
Fucking nothing.
I through my phone on the bed and ran down stairs, "lets go," I said walking out of the house
"Where," Carter said rushing out of the house with me and Robert "I need blood, now, beside, don't you want me on the team," I said opening the door to my car
I started the car as Robert and Carter got in
"Dude we can't go to the club, it's daytime it's not open," Carter said closing the door
"I know where we're going," I said driving out of the drive way
"And where is that?" Robert said, did they really need to fucking know, I mean damn why can't I just get some fucking blood in peace without these ass's having to ask questions.
"A friends," I said
I needed blood and this person was the best blood dealer of all time, and she was quite a good friend.
I pulled into the drive way and got out of the car,and of course the little bitches did to.
I walked up to the door and knocked, in a easy amount seconds the door swung open
"Austin, didn't think I'd see you again,"the famous drop dead gorgeous smile came on her face, I smiled back "well Rebecca, the last time I was able to see you, you kinda ...disappeared," I said smirking
"Hey Becca do you have any?" I asked refereeing to blood...or weed
"Yeah, do much do you need?"she ask pulling out her blood bags, "how much do you have?" I said walking up a little closer to Beccas "oh Austin you I don't think you remember..i have blood that has different powers in it, you know the blood I use is only is blood with voodoo in it," she then pulled out all of the thousands of blood bags she had
"it's like voodoo is a blessing for vampires, well it is what we run by...okay Austin I don't have all damn day lets do this," Rebecca said moving away from the thousands of bags of blood
"Well I have a subject, and I need blood for it," I said brushing my hair with my hand
"And that subject is?" Rebecca said crossing her arms
"Straight, motionless, and lots of bad,"i said looking back at Rebecca, Rebecca looked around the table and then back at me,
"I have just the thing," she said turning around and walking over to her desk full of other types of blood.
She then grabbed two blood bags and handed them to me "here," Becca said handing me the two bags
"You can take them now or later, just whatever you do...dont make a mess,"becca said backing away and walking up her stairs "hey Becca!" I said before she fully Walked away "yeah," she said poking her head out "thank you..sister" I said laying two hundred dollars of the table, "welcome. brother." she said cracking a smile then walking up stairs.
I looked down at the bags and opened one
"Austin are you sure you want to do" Carter said
"Yes Carter, I'm sure." I said, I took the bag that I had just opened and started chugging it, this was enough, I'm so tired of being used, being hated, being loved,truthful, happy, I'm done, it's my turn again, I know I'll find a way out just not now because it's my time, it's my time to be bad.
As I was already down with one blood bag, I looked over at the guys "dude you okay?" Carter said in a conserved voice
"I'm just fucking peachy," I said with a chuckle
I opened the second bag and put it in my mouth,this time I staring drinking it slowly because well.. I didn't want to get sick from drinking to much.
But by the time I was done with that bag, I felt amazing.

He's not human (Austin Mahone vampire love story)Where stories live. Discover now