Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Bowling

The day had gone by quickly and before Mikasa knew it, the final be had gone off. She slowly stood up from her seat and left her class quietly. Her worries had gone away and she felt that her year won't be so bad, well, at least she hoped so. She had previously thought that she'd struggle to find any friends on her first day, but, luckily Sasha had been there to save her from that worry.

Mikasa stretched her arms and released a groan. As she slowly walked down the corridors, passing by students that were making their way to their clubrooms or leaving them. She looked outside the window, admiring the view of the sun as it slowly descended the sky.

Armin, who had just finished helping a teacher, spotted the ebony head walking towards him, her attention focused outside the window. His expression lit up at the sight of his new friend and approached her, calling her name which had gathered her attention.

"Armin... right?" Mikasa asked, earning a nod from the shorter male.

"What are you still doing here?" Armin asked.

"I just wanted to wander around the school, you know, to get used to it. I am quite bad with directions so, I thought that it would be a good idea." Mikasa explained, a small smile gracing her lips.

"Ah, that's good," Armin smiled, "oh yeah! Our whole group is gonna go bowling tonight at six, it was Sasha's idea. Do you think you can go?"

Mikasa's eyes lit up and she nodded her vigorously, "yeah!" She beamed. First day and I'm already getting invited to hang out with some new friends! She thought, the excitement basically leaking out of her.

"Great! We can't go bowling without the guest of honour, you know?" Armin grinned.

Mikasa's eyes widened upon hearing his words.

"Its... for me...?" Mikasa asked, disbelief wavering in her tone as she pointed to herself.

"Yup!" Armin exclaimed and took out his phone from his pocket, "here, give me your phone for a sec."

Mikasa reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She unlocked it and handed the device to the blond. A minute or so later, Armin handed her phone back with a pleased smile on his face.

"I put in my number and everyone's number in there too," he explained, "I also added you to the group chat we have!"

"Thanks Armin," Mikasa said with a bright smile.

"No problem, anyway I gotta run!" Armin said as he shoved his phone back into his pocket and took off, waving goodbye to Mikasa who returned the gesture. The blackette gripped her phone tightly as she looked down at the list of names in her contacts, she stopped scrolling when an unknown name caught her attention.


Eren? Who's that? I've met most of Sasha's friends, but... who's Eren? She asked herself, eyebrow raised. Maybe it's one of Armin's friends...? Mikasa looked at the the time on her phone and sighed. I'll ask Sasha later. She concluded and started her way home to get ready.


Mikasa walked out of the apartment and shivered at the sudden drop of temperature. She zipped up her black leather cropped jacket and checked her phone to see the time. As she had done so, a small smile was brought onto her face, seeing the notifications from the group chat she had just been added on to.

As the dark haired female crossed the road, she caught a glimpse of a tall male crossing the road as well. Although she couldn't see his face, she had a feeling that the unknown person looked a little familiar. Mikasa sighed and shrugged the thought off before proceeding to walk to the shops.

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