Damn Glasses

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Lena was tossing and turning on her couch at the office, since the final fight with Hope, Leviathan, and Kara, her apartment was destroyed, and she didn't want to go back. Hope was gone, Leviathan was gone and apparently since she had a part in all this, Kara didn't want to come back either. Little did she know that Supergirl checked on her every night, making sure she was secure, and no one was going to hurt her. Kara had seen enough; she was fed up with herself and Lena.

The next morning Kara Danvers showed up at L Corp, she was carrying breakfast and coffee. The receptionist buzzed Lena, who agreed to see her. Lena's eyes brightened at the sight of Kara, and Kara smiled, but it didn't go to her eyes. She had broken someone else.

"Kara, what brings you here?"

"Breakfast and coffee, I know you have been here all week Lena."

Lena, not Lee, it stung that her nickname meant that much to her. "Well I don't have an apartment to go to.", she answered sadly.

"You can come and stay with me, till you decide what you are going to do."

"I don't want to be a burden."

"Friends aren't burdens Lena."

Friends, not family or even best friends, Kara had a sense of duty, but it still stung.

"Are you sure?", Lena asked, weakly.

Kara softened some, "I wouldn't have asked otherwise. But you need to take some time off to get settled, I have some leave built up at CatCo and you can take off whenever, so after breakfast, we are going to get you settled in, then a few days to let you rest."


They spent the morning and the afternoon settling Lena into Kara's apartment. Lena was surprised that Kara so easily gave up her second bedroom, although part of her was hoping to share a bed. She ordered potstickers and pizza for dinner since Kara had done a majority of the heavy lifting. They settled in to eat, watching TV, not really watching, but they talked very little. Every so often she would catch Kara looking at her, but she couldn't tell what she was thinking, Kara was closed off, not her normal bubbly self, Lena blamed herself for this change. Kara got up and cleaned the living room and dishes, then announced that she was heading to bed.

"Goodnight Lena, get some rest."

"Goodnight Kara. Thank you."

"Thanks, aren't necessary Lena, its what friends do.", Kara smiled, softly, a little spark there.

Lena stayed up to watch TV, marveling at how much she had missed in the week following the fiasco with Hope and Leviathan. Kara had been busy, but it was reported that she had been seen checking over L Corp every night, since the situation at Lena's apartment. Lena started to doze off, sitting there on Kara's couch. Suddenly the nightmares hit, and she sat up, looking for the watch Kara had given her, remembering that it had been crushed during Hope's destruction. She got up and walked to Kara's door and knocked softly. "Kara, can I sleep in here, just for tonight, I'm sorry, nightmares."

"Of course, Lena", she jumped up and got Lena a pillow and an extra blanket.

They settled onto opposite sides of the bed, Lena rolled over, she was facing Kara's back, since the super was laying as far from her as possible. "I'm sorry.", she whispered. As the words left her mouth, Kara's hand reached out, Lena reached out to the lifeline she had been thrown, relishing the touch. She fell asleep, her fingers entwined in Kara's.

She woke the next morning to find a note on Kara's pillow. Had to run a quick mission, Kelly and Alex coming over later. We need to talk. Kara.

That made her nervous, Kara wanted witnesses to their conversation. She got up and took a shower, changed into some sweats and went into the kitchen. Two powdered donuts and a new Keurig were waiting for her.

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