1. "DiVeRsItY"

13 2 1

This damn wh*re app lit rally have authors gentrifying everything.

Gangs???! Gentrify. Gangs only contain white people around here.

"But they know spa-"

Bitch Spain - whom are one of the biggest clown-ass colonizers is infact in Europe. Here is proof my guy:

Back to topic, but these books' town's and cities which the characters live in are usually in America, therefore there must be POC there??

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Back to topic, but these books' town's and cities which the characters live in are usually in America, therefore there must be POC there??

I'm just considering their history. This world must be somewhat accurate to the way the world is right now?

You got it all the way wrong. There are tanned white people but no latinos, African americans, jews, Asians, south americans, not EVEN DAMN EUROPEANS.

 There are tanned white people but no latinos, African americans, jews, Asians, south americans, not EVEN DAMN EUROPEANS

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We're talking about The United States and these white authors did fictional genocide on all races except white ppl.

The worst is that these authors think they're being inclusive by adding an Italian or Spanish as if they aren't caucasians
White authors be like:

"Italian?? SO ExOtIc"

As they said on mean girls: "Negro please"

I have never, and I mean NEVER read a book, written by a Non black author include a black character, Then they say we should forget about slavery and colonization

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I have never, and I mean NEVER read a book, written by a Non black author include a black character, Then they say we should forget about slavery and colonization.

GET OUTTA HERE, maybe if YOU felt like we belonged in you imaginary perfect world than maybe we could develop together, but no. POC do NOT belong in your damn imaginary worlds,

 POC do NOT belong in your damn imaginary worlds,

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