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No 18+ for your thirsty asses yet ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖) , but a fine ass Park Jimin, that's for sure.


Jungkook (p.o.v)

I woke up by something shaking me abruptly. It was my teacher. I was sleeping in class. Weird. I never sleep while I'm having a class but I don't remember what happened.. I was with my arms crossed on the table, my head laid carefully over them and my eyes tightly closed.

"Jungkook! Do not sleep in class you are being disrespectful!" The teacher yelled to me making me lift my head as fast as a lightning bolt.

"I'm so sorry Teacher.." I looked down a little ashamed while I bowed my head at her in an apologetic way.

"Just get back to work now." The Teacher answered as she walked back to the digital wall in front of the class.

I looked to my left and there was Taehyung righting on his iPad what the Teacher had just written on the digital wall. I sent a message through my phone to Tae where I wrote:

"What happened? I feel a little dizzy."

"What do you mean? Do you need to go to the nurse's office?" Taehyung responded while trying to keep his phone hidden from the teacher the best way he could.

"No. I just can't remember what happened.."

"Maybe you're still thinking about whatever you were thinking about when you entered the school running for your life. You know I still remember very well your excitement. ahahahahahahah"

"Uh why do I even try talking to you.."

Taehyung pouted at me after he read the last thing I wrote. I rolled my eyes at him and tried to get my focus back to class.

After some more classes, I was finally at the Photography class, my favorite subject, I sat down on my seat which was on the back of the class next to the window. Our desks always had space for two people but normally I would always sit alone, in this class, because I think that's the way I can stay more focused.

After getting my iPad out of my backpack and onto the table I looked up and I saw that boy again. That one, the one, the astonishing guy I saw earlier today.

He was entering the room, moving swiftly and elegantly as he stopped sitting at a chair in the back on the opposite side of the classroom that I was in, which means the side with no windows just a big white brick wall.

He put his leg crossed over the other while he used his hand to bring the front of his hair to the back. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. It was like he was a magnet to me an addiction. My heart was going crazy yet again.

Suddenly the teacher spoke I jumped a little on my seat because of my distraction and looked rapidly back at her. Some people giggled a bit but I wasn't bothered.

"Good afternoon class, today we have a new student his name is Park Jimin. Please Jimin come here to the front and introduce yourself a little better."

Jimin got up and walked to the front, I still couldn't take my eyes off of him and I inspected every inch of his body, he had a nice ass I simply can't lie about that.

He turned around to face us and we made eye contact. I kept looking at him feeling lost in those incredible eyes -he is amazing I wish I could talk to him-. I felt my cheeks starting to burn so I tried not to be too much fixated on him to the point of being creepy since he was looking at me as well.

 I felt my cheeks starting to burn so I tried not to be too much fixated on him to the point of being creepy since he was looking at me as well

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"Hello my name is Park Jimin, I'm 20 years old and I'm from Busan."

-He's from my hometown and two years older than me? Man, what a nice piece of work- I thought.

"I hope that we'll have a good year together and it's nice to meet you all." Jimin smiled at me. I looked away while blushing. I can't believe he can shake me up so easily. His gentle tone of voice makes me want to stay always concentrated on him. This perfect being and his addictive aura made me go nuts inside.

"Ok, thank you Jimin, you can sit down now." The teacher said. Jimin did as he was told and then the teacher spoke again :

"Today we have a project the class will have to do. You have two weeks to complete it and it consists of working in pairs that I'll select. You'll have to take photographs of each other and everyone has to submit two photographs of their pair. Find creative ways and make a concept to take unique images. When you're all done I'll grade all the pictures." The teacher started saying all the pairs when finally it came to mine she said:

"Jungkook with Jimin."

My eyes shot open in disbelief.

-What?! Am I dreaming did she really say that?!-

"Hey, it's nice to meet you, my name is Park Jimin."

I jumped a little .... again because of the scare of the sudden appearance.

"Uh H-hi, I'm Jeon Jungkook -- ugh -- well it's nice to meet you too." I smiled awkwardly.

-Is this destiny??-

He sat on the chair beside me, putting his arms on the table and using his hands as a rest for his head while his astonishing eyes pierced mine.

"So, do you want to come to my house after classes so we can discuss the project?" He said with a flirty smile.

-Is he smiling at me flirtingly? Oh god, I'm going to melt..-

"Oh Uhm, s-sure! Id lo-love to." I responded with my cheeks bright pink. He did a soft cute chuckle noticing that I was blushing.

"Great after classes can I pick you up?"

"Yeah, here take my phone number. (I gave him a little paper where I wrote my number) Call me and I'll tell you the address so you can pick me up."

"Great, I'll see you then." He winked at me and started walking away to his original sit.

"See ya."

I looked to the side and put both my hands on my face embarrassed, while trying to hide the hot warmth of my now red cheeks.

-Ok, I'm D E A D-

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