ch 3.

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3rd pov.

(Y/n) is seen walking in the Forever Fall forest.

(Y/n): Now which way to Beacon. I better go there first and talk to Ozpin. Before going to visit home...SHIT! Ruby and Yang are going to be pissed. I hope I traveled only a few days into the future. Any more and I worry what they'll do to me.

Suddenly a ursa major and 2 ursa lunged out of the bushes. The 2 nurses missed, but the ursa major hit her leg hard.

(Y/n): Crap! I got 2 minutes to kill these guys before I feel how bad the damage is. My red reapers won't do much to them. Guess I'll have to rely on the heart slicers.

She charged at the first ursa

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She charged at the first ursa. It raised its paw to take a swipe at her. Giving her an opening to take it out.

(Y/n) pov.

When it raised its paw I crossed my heart slicers. When it came down on my I slashed at it. The paw fell to the ground. While the first ursa tried to figure out what happened I drove the blades straight through its neck.

(Y/n): One down two to go.

The second ursa charged at me. It raised both its paws into the air ready to crush me into the ground. I ran at it and slipped through its legs. While it was trying to process what happened I jumped on to its back and climbed up to its neck. I drove the blades into the sides of its neck. It thrashed like crazy swing me in all directions before it finally died.

(Y/n): two down. Now for the big on- AAAHHHH.

Suddenly my right leg breaks, and my arms become incredibly sore. My two minutes were up. And the ursa major was standing not even 20 feet away unharmed in the slightest. I tried to will myself to get up but I fell to the ground.

(Y/n): D-dammit. I'm sorry Ruby and Yang it looks like I won't be able to keep my promise.

Just as the ursa major was about to lay the final blow a red and black blur went by and the ursa major's paw fell to the ground and I was in someone's arms. I heard the ursa major roaring in pain. I turned my head to look just to see a burning yellow fist burst through its chest and a shot gun blast going through the air as its chest exploded killing it instantly.

As the ursa major fell I saw who did it I thought I was hallucinating. Because who I saw was a grown up Yang with blood red eyes and her hair was on fire. I looked to see who's arms I'm in and I see a grown up Ruby looking at me with worry, and happiness in her beautiful silver eyes.

(Y/n) thoughts: beautiful were did that come from. And how long was I gone?

Ruby: Your late. It's not okay to make your lovers worry you know.

(Y/n): L-l-lovers! I said right before everything went black.

And that's it for this chapter let me know what you think and give me feed back on how I can make the story better. If you have any suggestions let me know Jokerlupin signing out.

Futa Ruby x short fem reader x Futa Yang.Where stories live. Discover now