Chapter Twenty-Three

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You decided that the League of Villains wasn't all too bad. Over the course of the next few days, warp portals kept appearing wherever you went, leading you back to them. They never kept you long enough that it was considered suspicious, which you appreciated, but you did end up taking the time to further befriend some of the members.

Take Twice for example, who had essentially become your new best friend. You learned that he was really funny. Like... extremely so. You cackled at his jokes, which he appreciated, and he even ended up measuring you in case he ever needed a you-clone. You appreciated the notion. It made you feel more included than you were before. He didn't ask you much about the whole different universe thing, which you appreciated. You weren't sure how to tell him that he was going to die, anyways.

The oncoming deaths of both Magne and Twice had gotten you thinking... was it your duty to save them? They were your friends. You couldn't just sit back and watch them die. But you also couldn't afford to change the timeline more than you already had. It made for quite the dilemma, and it had you pondering your life choices for quite a while.

Their lives were in your hands. That was another thing that you were uncomfortable with. You didn't like knowing that you could determine whether or not someone lived or died. It just... that was too much power for someone to hold. Especially someone like you, who cared too much for others.  The whole thing made you kind of queasy. More than one time, you found yourself sitting by the toilet as you questioned what to do.

Mirio would tell you to save them, you knew. Despite them being villains, he wouldn't want you to just let them die. Sir Nighteye, on the other hand, had warned you about tampering with death. It cannot be stopped; he had told you. Only substituted.

It made you wonder if someone else would end up dying in their places. You shuddered at the thought.

As of now, you were on your way to where Overhaul was. You had missed looking out for Eri due to your falling in with the League, and you desperately needed to reassure her that you weren't going to abandon her. You knew the poor girl had issues with that kind of thing. You walked exited the warp portal, walking down the street as if you hadn't just walked through a weird shadowy substance.

You were honestly getting far too used to this world. Things had stopped fazing you. Take Nezu and Spinner's appearance, for example. While when you'd first gotten here, you'd been horrified with the way the two of them looked. Not because you thought they were ugly or anything- just because they looked fucking terrifying. It was scary for you to have to see life size and humanoid animals. But now, it was just another part of your daily life.

When you finally got to where the child in white was, she catapulted herself towards you, wrapping her arms around your waist. You were beginning to think that it was her trademark; she did it every time without fail. You hugged back, listening to her as she animatedly told you about the things in the new books she was reading.

"Why don't you show me?" you asked her, and she beamed, running off to grab her things.

You honestly didn't know what to do about her circumstance. You couldn't just... walk off with her. The place was packed with security. You'd been hoping to snatch her once the heroes raided the Shie Hassaikai, but you doubted that was going to happen anymore after what happened to Sir Nighteye. Thus, you were stuck.

You had considered telling Mirio about her, but that would raise too many questions. You didn't need him learning that you worked for the yakuza. Just like you didn't need him knowing that you worked for the League. Honestly, you were working in a lot of places that you shouldn't have been. It was starting to get kind of ridiculous.

On the other hand, you could always ask the League for help. Right now, that seemed like your best option. You were tempted to ask Shigaraki, but you didn't know how to bring it up. Saving a little girl probably wouldn't be on the top of his to-do list. You figured that you could convince him that she would be useful, but you didn't want him to end up using her the way that Overhaul did. That would just be trading one hell for another.

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