Little Goth and the Red Wolf

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First PWP, sorry if it sucks.

A raven haired teen let out a sigh as he walked into the kitchen where he saw his mother sitting a basket on the table, "You called?"

"Stan I need you to take this to grandpa, he's probably almost out of food," she motioned to the basket she just sat on the table, now revealed to be full of food. "Why can't you take it?"

"I have to go to work, and before you ask Randy is out, come on, he'd be happy to see you."

Stan bit back a groan, it wasn't that he hated to see his grandfather, he just hated the walk through the forest that led to his house, regardless he agreed, "Fine."

"Alright, it's cold out so get something warm to wear."

The teen rolled his eyes as he went back to his room and grabbed his black cloak from his chair, all of his other outerwear was in the wash so it would have to do, he put it on over his black clothes and walked back out and saw his mother holding the basket, "Now I need you to be careful Stan, there've been reports that wolves have been spotted."

Of course. "I will..."

"Alright," she handed him the basket and pulled his hood up over his head, "Be safe."

He walked out the door holding the basket, and into the lightly chilled spring air, and started his path down towards the forest.

Fifteen minutes into his walk he felt as if he was being watched, he tried to suppress a shiver as he remembered what his mother told him, but he kept moving forward, it was another twenty-minute walk to his grandfather's and he didn't want to be out there any longer then he'd have to. He ignored the rustling leaves, trying to convince himself it was the wind or a small animal, but he couldn't shake the feeling of eyes watching him. His heart began to race as the rustling continued to grow closer, he picked up his pace, contemplating ditching the basket to make a run for it, he turned his head back to see if there was anyone following, only to walk right into a solid surface.

His heart nearly stopped. He slowly stepped back and came face to face with a tall muscular looking teen as he had a good few inches on him. He had bright red hair in messy curls, as he wore a red and black unbuttoned flannel, revealing the skin underneath, ripped jeans, and old brown boots, the teen stood before him with a smirk revealing sharp canines, and in his mess of hair he could make out two wolf-like ears twitching, and he noticed a red tail swaying behind him, and his piercing green eyes looked down at him in an interested manner.

Stan took another step away from the wolf eared teen, usually, he'd be more calm about things like this, but his paranoia that he accumulated from the walk had consumed him, as he stood frozen at the sight of the, from what he could assume wolf. The red wolf tilted his head at the raven teen, "What's wrong, cat got your tongue? Or do my looks just take your breath away?"

The raven's face burned a bright red, he opened his mouth to say something but all that came out was, "I-I," he took a deep breath and cleared his throat, pushing down his fear, "What kind of person stalks someone and scares the shit out of them?!"

The redhead gave a chuckle, "Sorry, just haven't seen you around these parts before, what's a cute little bunny like you doing out here."

The goth rolled his eyes, trying to suppress his blush at the nickname, as he seemed to regain his cool, "Why does that matter?"

The other shrugged, "Guess it doesn't, but anyway, I'm Kyle," he held his hand out towards the other. Stan looked down at it, he noticed how his nails were long and sharp like claws. Maybe if he played along he'd leave, he stuck out his hand and introduced himself, "Stan."

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