[Español]Haru y Yukki. Demonios de edad indefinida, son gemelos. Miden 1,84 y pesan 76 kg. Haru es el mayor por 1 minuto. El apellido está basado en un otome, fue tanta la coincidencia de que se llamaran Haru y Yukki (en el otome es Yuki) y que fuesen gemelos, que al final para hacer la gracia les puse ese apellido.
[un poco de su historia]: "-Hermano, siempre te tienes que enamorar en el peor momento...-" dijo uno de los gemelos mientras el otro lloraba. La niña le había roto su lápiz favorito.
Haru and Yukki Fuchoin. Demons of undefined age, they are twins. They measure 1.84 and weigh 76 kg. Haru is the oldest for 1 minute. The last name is based on an otome, it was so much the coincidence that they were called Haru and Yukki (in the otome it is Yuki) and that they were twins, that in the end to make the grace I put that last name.
[a little bit of his story]: "-Brother, you always have to fall in love at the worst time ...-" said one of the twins while the other cried. The girl had broken her favorite pencil.