Just... Don't ask

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There was Adrien sitting on the floor staring at his mother's statue in the garden. How he missed her.

Nathalie was standing at the window, contemplating this boy, a boy she loved as her own, a boy she'd give her own life for.

'You would be so proud of him, Emilie' thought Nathalie.

She immediately felt the strong presence of Gabriel Agreste standing by her side, staring at his son.

'He's so handsome, and strong'

This thought made Nathalie smile, a plain and natural smile.

'They have been through so much'.

Adrien turned his head at the feeling of being observed. There, in the window, was his father staring at him, and Nathalie smiling at his father in such a warm way, a way he'd never seen before. 

She looked so happy, maybe his father made her happy, maybe they made each other happy. That thought made him smile.

Nathalie turned her head to him, and catching Adrien's eye, she smiled again and waved at him.

Adrien naturally waved back at the woman he loved the most, besides his mother.

-It's been one year, the longer you keep him in the dark about what you are doing, the harder it will be on him when he finds out.

Gabriel didn't say one word, he simply nodded softly and walked away.

Nathalie immediately turned her head to look at Adrien.

-Little kitty on the roof, all alone without his...



Adrien was sitting on the floor staring at his father, standing next to him. And then Gabriel did the unthinkable. He kneeled next to him.

-There is something important I need to talk to you about. I think about telling you every day, but I don't know how to find the right words.

-I think I already know, father.

-But, how?

-I've noticed how close you and Nathalie have become. If she can make you happy again then... As far as I am concerned, she's already part of our family.

Gabriel's heart jumped in his chest at the mention of his assistant's name.

-How can you possibly think such a thing? Nobody could ever replace your mother, as long as she is still in our heart she lives on.

Adrien only stared as his father quickly stood up.

-We're expecting guests, be ready - he said walking away.

'He can't be serious, Nathalie and me...Such a ridiculous thing'

-What happened, sir?

Gabriel almost froze in that precise place, but he managed to keep everything under control. He kept on walking without looking at her, the woman to which Adrien had just paired him with.

-Sir? Did you tell him?

-No - he said walking pass by her.

-Why? What happened?

-Just... don't ask.

Nathalie stood there staring at his back as he walked away. She immediately turned her head to look at Adrien, who was just staring at her with the same confused look on his face.

Gabriel sat in his living room, as he usually did when exhausted.

'Me and Nathalie. Nathalie and me. How?'

And then it hit him, hard as stone; all the moments he'd reached his hand to help her out of the car. All the times he set his hand on her back to cross a door. All the times she lay a hand on his shoulder when whispering something into his ear. Since she started as Mayura, she'd spend her whole day in the mansion, she'd even sleep there, occasionally.

Of course, Adrien would think they were having an affair. What was he supposed to think? That they were Hawkmoth and Mayura?

-Of course- said Gabriel, bursting into laughter.

'I was about to tell him that I am Paris's greatest villain and the first thing he thinks is I am sleeping with my assistant'

His laughter was uncontrollable.

Nathalie entered the living room, attracted by the sound of her boss's laughter. It had been a very long time since she heard his laughter.


But Gabriel couldn't stop.

-What is it?- asked Nathalie, surprised and slightly amused.

Gabriel was finally able to control himself.

-Nothing... is everything prepared? - he asked trying to bring back his usual stiff look.

-Yes, Sir - she answered as serious as she could -Everything is set.

-Please, go get Adrien - his voice was back to normal - They will arrive soon. 

-Of course, Sir.

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