What I saw was a girl. A little girl. She looks like she has been tossed off a planet. And what she said made it confirmed. I asked her what had happened and she was speaking a different language. By a different Language I mean like one aliens would speak. I couldn't understand a word she said. I even when on google translate and found nothing. I tried to help her out of the hole but she curled up into a ball. As I got a rope from my shed I heard a loud scream. I ran back into the living room and she was gone. She was gone along with the hole. It was like magic. As I went to put the rope back I remembered about my cat and jumped in my car. From my house to the pet wash it was around a 6 minute drive, so I had no chance on getting her on time because I am supposed to get her in 3 minutes. When I get there I went inside and there she was, the girl from the hole, holding my cat in her crusty hands. The lights flickered and when they stopped my cat was on the ground and the lady was gone. The pet wash worker asked me if I was ok as if she hadn't seen what had just happened. I had to say I was fine because If she didn't see what happened there was going to be no way she would believe me. She looked down on the ground and she was shook. My cat was there and she said she's so sorry. She said the cat must have jumped over the gate in the room where she was put. I picked her up and jumped back in my car and drove off. Eventually I got back to my apartment. The girl wasn't there luckily. But my cat was meowing like crazy, I didn't think much of it and just thought she was tired so I sat her on the couch until she went to sleep. I sat there for around 2 hours and she still hasn't slept so I figured she was meowing because she was hungry. I got her some cat food but she did not eat. She didn't even drink water. It was so strange because normally she eats everything in her sight. I called the vet and booked her in for tomorrow morning.