A New Beginning (XIII)

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For the first time in a long time, there was no awkward tension at work between Alex and John. There was, however, quite a bit of tension between John and Laff and Herc, because of John's most recent asshole move of saying they weren't friends.

"Why don't you just apologize to them, ba-" Alex coughed abruptly to cut himself off. Luckily, John was too wrapped up in being annoyed at some suburban white moms who had been complaining about LGBTQ+ people stealing everyone's jobs (like, what even?) to notice the almost slip up.

"What?! You think I should apologize to Karen and friends over there?" John gestured not-so-subtly to the suburban moms.

"Nooo! Definitely not." Alex rolled his eyes at the moms. "I mean you should apologize to Laff and Herc. Then we can all be friends again. Or at least go back to not being super awkward."

"Why do you care, Alex? They're not mad at you." John finally turned away from his glaring session to make an extra large black coffee, despite the fact that no one had ordered one.

"They're mad at me by association!" Alex exclaimed.

"But don't they think we're still mad at each other?"

"They did, but we've been talking all morning. Can you pleaaaase just apologize to them?" If John hadn't had his back turned to Alex at the moment as he began filling a cup with coffee, he would've almost definitely agreed to do it, due to the fact Alex was making the most seductive face he possibly could.

(A/N: yikes but cute.)

He turned around and caught the tail end of Alex's lip bite. Damn. John held the large coffee out towards Alex. "Fine. Also, I made you that coffee. I know you like it as dark as your- no, my- soul" He winked cheekily at his... boyfriend? Were they-? Who knows... John liked to think they weren't dating but also hates to think they weren't dating, so..

"Aww, how sweet. But I prefer black coffee." Alex grinned.

"Ha, ha. Ok, I'm gonna go apologize since you want me to soooo badly, and it's hard to resist your stupidly hot face." Alex tried not to pay attention to the fact that John lowered his voice significantly at the end of that sentence, and instead pay attention to the compliment. He knew he couldn't expect John to be totally comfortable with any P.D.A right after "accepting" his sexuality, but still.. it stung ever so slightly.

"Gracias." Alex replied quickly, a light blush dusting his cheeks.

"De nada." John walked into the kitchen, where Laff and Hercules were... making out right next to a half eaten box of chocolate macarons. Ok then...?

Alex took advantage of the lull in anything stimulating to take a quick power nap. Even when he slept all through the night, he was still exhausted from all the other sleepless nights. It was a bit of a problem. He laid his head down on the counter and...

"Hamilton! Yo, Hamilton!" Alex awoke mere minutes later to an obnoxiously loud voice that belonged to none other than... Thomas Jefferson. Yuck.

"What do you want, Jefferson?" Alex groaned.

"You to not sleep on the job. Oh, and a vanilla bean Frappuccino. Oh, oh! Aaaand, for you to get a better haircut because honestly, just looking at you makes me sad."

Alex rolled his eyes. "You know, Jeffy, looking at you makes me sad too. Sad that I have to deal with your-" He definitely went on a rant that involved a lot of cursing, but luckily for the few small children in the shop, someone was sawing down a tree outside. One point innocence, zero points Mother Nature.

The sawing stopped. "Look, I know you're worried that I'll steal your man because we have history, but how about you stop your ranting and just make that order for me." Jefferson said, cool as ice.

"Y'know what? Fine. I'm wasting my time on you any- wait what?" Alex paused for a moment. "You and John have history?"

"Aww, he didn't tell you? Guess he wanted to protect your fragile ego-"

"Watch it, Jefferson. I may be small but I could so take you down in a fight."

Thomas laughed. "Yeah, right. Anyways, I'd gladly tell you aaaall about your little boy toy and I's fun 'adventures' in high school. You might wanna sit down, it's a long story..."

To be continued...

A/N: Sorry for not updating in 5,000 years! I don't really have an excuse lmao, besides the fact that I'm officially no longer in the Hamilton fandom. I thought I might finish this story anyway, though, because it's pretty good and I could just change the names to make it into a non-fanfic story. Haha, anyways, enough ranting! Onto the next chaparoo!

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