Chapter 4

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Shawn POV

I'm rly sad. Scar just told me tht she has this rare disease called (dot dot dot) Ebola. I kinda luv Scar so it maks me sad tht she mite b dying. I meen, MY GIRLFRIEND IZ DYING FROM EBOLA!!!. O well, not the first time itz happened. Im with Scar rite now. She remindz me of this jok I herd. "A squirrel gos up 2 a tree and says 'I fergot 2 stor my nutz in u so now I'm ded'". Itz funie bcuz the squirrel dise. Then I look down at Scar and strt 2 cri. She iz on the flor with her eye twitching and her tongue iz sticking out of her mouth. She's ded, she rly, actually ded. Then she strtz laughing at me. I am confused. I thought she waz ded tho. Then she lookz up at me.

"I got u good Shawn," she sayz. She iz rite she did get me good. I laugh along with her bcuz she iz funnie and she played a good jok.

"Tehe ur funie," I say as I rest my hed on her sholder. I think I rly luv Scar.

"I luv u Scar," I sae

"I luv u mor Shawn," she saez

"Ur lik a gr8 bae Scar,"

"Thx bae ur a gr8 bae 2" she telz me.

"WATZ GOING ON HEAR!!!?," Nash screems.

"Uh, nothing y do u ask?," me and Scar sae at the same time. I look at her and laf.

(A/N OMG GUYZ THANK U SO MUCH 4 ALL THE REEDZ!! U GUYZ R THE BEST I LUV U SO MUCH!!. Ps. I totally cried riting this😫😭 she almost dyed omg.)

"Get ur hands off my bby sister!" Nash yells the runz toardz me. He tacelz me on the flor and strtz 2 punch me. Ow it kinda hertz. Scar strtz 2 pul Nash off me and then he dos get off me. He lookz at Scar and dos the unthinkable. He slaps her rite accros the face. She dobels over in pane. I feal so bad rite now so I go and hug her. Butt then she colapces rite in my arms and I strt to cri agan. She rly is ded this time. It iz zo sad. 😩


I think I might b bad luk, I meen 4 ded girlfriendz from Ebola in the last 2 monthz haz 2 b bad rite? Oh well, not the first time itz hapened....

A/N OMG!!. I'm so sorry I keep having these cliffhangers!!. 👹😬

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