Chapter one

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⠀It was about midnight when Leon began to make his way home from his astronomy class--he was an idiot and stayed with the professor talking about calculations too long and now he was paying for it in having to walk all the way to the edge of town so he could safely be picked up by one of his familiars. He had turned a corner to take a usual shortcut through an alleyway, which was perfectly light during the daytime, or even the evening--but now, it was pitch black. He wasn’t too unnerved, since he knew the way even if he were to have his eyes closed.
 ⠀Halfway through, that perspective changed. Hands slammed him into a wall, and cold, shining silver was pressed against his neck--he shrieked and nearly dropped his bag before another silhouette grabbed the person assaulting him and pushed them to the ground. A woman’s voice hissed, “Your target is me!” ⠀Feeling a pang of panic, he moved forward to attack the silhouette with the knife, grabbing their hand and trying to steal it away while he tried and succeeded to keep his breathing at a calm pace and think rationally.
⠀Shite--he should’ve pulled out his phone and turned the flashlight on, or called 911, but he had no idea whether either of these people were even injured; he didn’t know what he would’ve said other than the fact he was assaulted, and rightfully so in an alley at 00:07.
⠀The attacker was surprised by him, and accidentally let go of the knife and caused it to slide across the pavement. They pushed him off with an incredible amount of strength, and immediately leaped up as well. The other person, the woman, had pulled out a shining blade, and already had it pressed to the assaulter’s neck. “Leave him be, demon.” She uttered venomously, with a growl that reminded Leo of a panther having a skirmish with a leopard. ⠀The attacker giggled, raising up their hands. Leon’s arm had begun to throb, but he had no idea why at this point in time. Maybe he’d been cut and hadn’t realised. ‘A--arm? What--don’t throb right now--OW,,’ he thought pitifully in vain. Now that his eyes had begun to adjust to the dark, he could see the two figures in greater detail, though. They were both women, with long hair and glaring eyes.
⠀“Oh? I didn’t know Skull Clan was so generous~!” The attacker purred, causing Leon a strike of fear, not of her, but in turn of the woman holding her down. He had heard of them before; Skull Clan. They were a gang, and a really dangerous one at that. All news anywhere said to stay the hell away from them.
⠀He startled a little, and stumbled back against the wall of the alley, holding his arm where it was hurting. He couldn’t see in the darkness whether or not it was injured, but now his thoughts were running all over the place. After a second or two of silent contemplation, he began sidling along the wall, so he could get away from the two women as inconspicuously as possible. ⠀The Skull Clan member flicked her glittering gold gaze over to Leon just long enough for the demon to grab at the blade and rip it from her hands, before rolling away and then launching herself up onto the roof of one of the buildings on either side of the alleyway and sprinting away. The Skull Clan member grumbled and cursed under her breath, picking up her sword to minimise its amber glow and conceal it in its sheath again.
⠀“I’m sorry you had to see that,” she stated in a barely friendly tone, latching the hitch of the sheath shut again and beginning to make her way over to Leon. He froze for a second and shook his head frantically with a nervous laugh.
⠀“I-It’s okay--Uh, I’m just gonna go home now, so uh byebye it was nice meeting you--” He tried, before fully turning and beginning to run down the alley with his satchel held close and bouncing on his hip. He just wanted to order some dumplings, get to his home, and try to forget all this had ever happened. He had a sickening feeling in his whole body that he wouldn’t get to. ⠀His ears picked up a thumping sound behind him, and, turning to look over his shoulder, he saw an enormous black shape chasing him in the form of what looked to be a panther. It easily caught up before he could even think to change forms himself, and then she turned back into the woman from before, grabbing his shoulder with sharp nails. “I’m terribly sorry about this,” she uttered as her eyes gleamed the same amber as her sword had. She smacked him upside the head with something as hard as a piece of diamond, and he was out like a light.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2019 ⏰

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