Hold Me Back

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Jungkook is a wrestler and In his junior year of college, and has taken a liking to Kim Taehyung, a boy in the college choir.

(Bare in mind I suck at knowledge of wrestling 😂💀)

"Are you ready for your match against Jackson today, Kook?" Hoseok asks the dazed younger boy sat in front of him. It's lunch time now and the cafeteria is filled with voices and people pushing around each other.

Jungkook looks up, his expression dull and gloomy, eyes big and round.

"Yeah? When am I never ready for a match? Jackson has already lost." Jungkook speaks coyly, his lips now tugging into a boyish smirk.

Jungkook has been on the wrestling team for the last year, joining because he needed something to use. Something to help him channel his anger. Often, Jungkook struggled to use his voice, he found it hard to ask for help when he had a problem. So when his best friend, Hoseok, asked if he'd join the wrestling team, the black haired boy couldn't say no. It was perfect.

"I love your confidence. And yes, you're right. Jackson doesn't stand a chance against you. Size maybe but you've got this in the bag." Hoseok states, a Cheshire grin planted upon his heart lips, orange hair swaying to the side as he nodded his head.

"Of course I have!" Jungkook says, playfully rolling his eyes but then catches a glimpse of a tall frame, brunet hair just covering his eyes, features of what Jungkook thought looked like an angel. Kim Taehyung, the school good boy and heartthrob, and had the most beautiful voice in the world, singing in the choir all the time, Jungkook was beyond mesmerised by him, he'd said a few 'hellos', smiles or casual talks in his biology class but that was it.

"Well eat up and stop making googly eyes at Taehyung." Hoseok jokes, his tone mocking and the orange haired boy doesn't fail to notice the soft red glow upon the younger's cheeks.

"I'm not." Jungkook mumbles and goes back to eating his bowl of kimchi fried rice.


It was time.

Jungkook now sat upon the wooden benches, inside the college hall, wrestling uniform on. His legs bumping up and down out of worry, this wasn't his first match of course but his opponent, Jackson wang had a very big build and was known for his popularity in college. So, of course Jungkook was a tad bit scared but he knew Jackson wasn't as experienced as himself, therefore Jungkook had a slight feeling of confidence.

Now, students poured into the hall doors, taking their seats at the stands to watch the match, yet to start. Still no sign of Jackson and Jungkook thinks the said boy will put on a grand show when entering the hall. The black haired boy scoffs at the image from inside his head.

And as if on cue, Jackson struts into the hall, now a few feet in front of Jungkook, a stupid grin planted upon his face, wrestling uniform hugging his defined body. Jungkook was very muscular, in fact maybe more than Jackson but he was just smaller which looked rather odd.

Soon their coach came to the centre of the two boys, whistle in hand and eyes shifting between them both.

"I want a clean and good fight, the match will end as soon as one of you is pinned to the floor for at least ten seconds.

"Ready, set, go!" The coach shouts, backing away as the match starts and almost instantly Jackson lunges at Jungkook, sending a painful punch to the face, which will probably leave a large purple bruise later on. However, Jungkook doesn't let the small act of surprise falter him, and with that he harshly kicks Jackson's core, making Jackson stumble back, wincing.

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