Quantum energy crystals(LC)

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The vacuum has its own energy so nothingness has energy and this energy is known as vacuum energy or zero point energy and virtual particles come from this energy because they pop in and out of existence and Hermann thought about accessing this energy through virtual particles because he was trying to figure out if energy can be doubled and I also thought about a way of accessing this energy but the only way you could do that is if you can access the energy particles that makeup existence and the only way to access them is through a quantum computer that can control quantum fields.

So as I said we need quantum computers to have qbits which would be quantum entangled to other particles because maybe the qbits could tell us how much the particles are vibrating and maybe we could input data in the form of qbits to control the vibration of the particles but first the particles need to be cooled down to below zero so they stop vibrating but if we tried to cool them down more maybe we could bring the vibration down so much that we would get the energy particles that makeup existence and we could clump them together to form the energy crystal structures and we could use the qbits to form little vibrations in the energy crystals to make more advance technology and we can squeeze them to release energy which could power technology made out of these energy crystals meaning you can access infinite energy.

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