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4 days left.

Aoi woke up in Reita's arms with a smile. Reita said they would visit Uruha today. Ruki and Kai were going to meet them there.

Reita stirred slightly before opening his eyes. He smiled down at Aoi, who grinned back.

"Good morning," Aoi said cheerfully. Reita smirked, chuckling lightly.

"Morning," Reita replied, kissing Aoi's neck playfully. Pulling him closer, Reita rested his head tiredly, ready to get a few more hours of sleep, but Aoi would have none of that.

"Reita," Aoi whined, dragging Reita's name out, "You said we'd go visit Uruha today!" Aoi poked Reita in the ribs, making him squirm.

"Tomorrow, I said," Reita said, half asleep. Aoi whined and Reita lift an eyebrow, snickering a bit at the sound.

"That's what you said yesterday!"

"Oh," Reita said in pretend realization, " Well, better go get ready then." Reita grinned as Aoi hurried to go get ready. Reita sat up on the edge of the bed and stretched. He wasn't sure if going to visit Uruha was really a good idea. He didn't like what all of this was doing to Aoi, and by how it's been looking, it doesn't look good for Uruha. With so little time left for their friend, Reita couldn't exactly say not to go. Soon, there wouldn't be anyone to go visit. 

They drove to the hospital, phoning Ruki on the way to tell him that they might be a bit late. They arrived at the hospital and went inside slowly, preparing themselves for the sight of their friend still in that hospital bed. Ruki ran up to them, tears in his eyes.

"Ruki? What's wrong? What happened?" Reita said and rushed over with Aoi. 

"Uruha! He's awake!" Ruki said happily, barely able to keep himself from shaking. Reita didn't have time to answer, pulled away by Aoi as he dragged Reita down the hallway to Uruha's room. Kai was sitting outside of the room. He smiled when he saw Aoi dragging Reita, with Ruki following behind him.

"We wanted to wait for you two before we went in," Ruki explained.

"So he doesn't know we're here?" Aoi asked. Ruki shook his head. "Well, let's go in already!"

Kai went to open the door but the sticky door wouldn't budge. Trying again, he huffed and looked back at the others. Reita gave him a strange look, tried the door himself and found it opened fine.

"Hey, uh, guys? Go in ahead of us. I need to talk to Kai for a minute," Ruki said. Reita nodded, looking at Kai who was staring at the ground, pale white. Aoi and Reita went into the room, and Ruki closed the door behind them. He stood there with his back facing Kai, not saying a word. The drummer stood there awkwardly, knowing what was coming next and not wanting to deal with it.

"Is this enough yet" Ruki said before turning around to glare at Kai. "Have you had enough? I don't know what you're trying to pull off here, Kai, but I'm sick of it!"

"Ruki, please-" Kai said in a small voice, but was cut off by Ruki.

"No! Kai, you don't even have enough strength to open the fucking door! You can't continue to do this to yourself!"

"Do wha-" Kai started, but was once again cut off by Ruki.

"You know perfectly well what I'm talking about, Kai," Ruki said, holding Kai to the wall with his chest, "Look at yourself!" Ruki grabbed his hand and pressed it against his own fairly evident ribs. Tears fell down Kai's cheeks. "Can't you see what you're doing to yourself?" Ruki asked in a much quieter, more fragile voice as tears poured from his own eyes. Letting him go, Ruki let his forehead fall to Kai's shoulder, not bothering to hide the tears of frustration.

"R-Ruki...I-I can't do this...I don't know what"

"Shh...Don't worry. We'll get through this together," Ruki comforted, pulling Kai into a tight hug. As frustrated as he was, he wasn't going anywhere. "I promise." They sat together for a while in the hallway, calming themselves down. Their fingers entwined, Ruki glanced over to his boyfriend quietly, thumb still stroking his hand slightly.

"Ready to go in?" Ruki asked.

"You go in. I'll be there in a minute," Kai said, wiping away the few remaining tears. Ruki nodded, kissing Kai and going inside. What he found was a very unpleasant surprise.

"Aoi, you bastard!" Uruha screamed, sitting up in his bed. looking for anything around him to throw, though most of the nearby items had already been tossed.

"Calm the fuck down, Uruha!" Reita yelled back at him. Aoi was at the other end of the room, trying to control his emotions. He looked guilty and frustrated, but still so relieved Uruha was alright. 

"You can't expect me to just forgive you after what you did to me!" Uruha said hatefully towards Aoi. Ruki looked between them all and tried to piece together what was happening. Clearly, Uruha was fucked pissed at something that Aoi did, and Ruki could only put together one conclusion. 

"Uruha, calm down. The accident wasn't Aoi's fault, and your leg has already healed in the time that you were comatose," Ruki interjected, trying to calm the room down.

"Stay out of this, Ruki!" Reita told him heatedly. Ruki shut his mouth. "Uruha, look. Aoi's happy. You don't want to take that away from him, do you?" Reita asked. Aoi looked back at Uruha, not sure what to expect in response. He couldn't argue for himself. What he did was really wrong, and ended up getting Uruha hurt both physically and emotionally. If he never forgave him, Aoi couldn't hold that against the honey blonde.

Uruha closed his eyes and when he opened them again, they were full of pain and indecision. A knock on the door broke the silence. Ruki opened the door, and Kai came into the room, oblivious as to what was happening. A big grin on his face, he hurried over to his friend and hugged him.

"Uruha!" Kai squealed happily, seeing his friend who looked more or less alright. Uruha's face relaxed and he smiled, hugging his friend back happily.

"Hey, Kai." When Uruha's hands touched Kai's side, he shot Ruki a worried glance. What the hell? Ruki shifted in his spot and looked away, having no response.

"I'm so glad you're up!" Kai told him, grinning ear to ear.

"Yeah, me too!" Uruha chuckled. Just then, a doctor came into the room.

"I'm sorry to cut the party short but visiting hours are over, and we need to do a check up on your friend here," the doctor told them. The situation was far from resolved on any end, but they followed each other out the door after saying their goodbyes to Uruha.

Things were looking up for Uruha, and Kai too, but yet none of them were smiling. Too much had happened today. Reita took a silent Aoi home, and Ruki took Kai to pick up something for dinner. Their problems could wait until tomorrow.

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