Chapter 1: Pacifica

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Pacifica was walking down the road she wore a simple blue T-shirt and jeans her long blonde hair was in a loose ponytail. It had been 2 years since Weirdmegedon the town is back to normal Pacifica thought to herself well, as normal as it can get.Pacifica continued walking until she reached a run down house big bold words were on the rooftop one word was missing the 's' it was the Mystery Shack .Pacifica knocked on the door the door opened to reveal a 18 year old male teen with bangs over their right eye wearing a yellow shirt with a eye in the center and wearing blue jeans. "Hey Bill" Pacifica said a hint of awkwardness in her voice she was still getting used to having Bill around, turns out Bill wasn't destroyed he had recently redeemed himself and was currently living in the Mystery Shack with the Pines family.He accepted any punishment that would come to him he was stuck in a human body he still had his demonic powers except for possession he had lost his immortality which meant that he could die.Pacifica was lost in thought for a moment until Bill cleared his throat " um... Pacifica " Bill said.Pacifica blinked snapping herself out of her daze " yes?" she asked "are you okay?"Bill asked.Pacifica was about to respond until out of nowhere a blue grayish cat with blue eyes and bangs covering its left eye appeared. It launched itself onto Pacifica it hid itself in her hair "Will, where are you"a familiar voice said "Mabel" Pacifica said softly. Mabel appeared she had grown taller her long brown hair was in a braid she wore a pink sweater with a rainbow on it and blue jeans she froze when she saw Pacifica then she ran over and hugged her tightly.Pacifica was unprepared and she fell to the ground with Mabel on top of her. Mabel was completely unfazed she stared at Pacifica before she noticed 2 cat ears sticking out from Pacifica's hair "gotcha"Mabel said she reached over and grabbed the blue grayish cat she handed the cat to Bill.Bill took the cat into his arms "now Will I know you don't like the tests but me and Pine Tree are just trying to find a way to break those chains "Bill glanced at Mabel who was still on top of Pacifica "Shooting Star, you might want to get off of llama now"Bill said with a smirk on his face he had bangs covering his right eye he had a black eyepatch covering his right eye just in case someone tried to pull his bangs away from his eye.Mabel looked down to stare directly at Pacifica "sorry Pacifica I was just excited"Mabel said she got up and held a hand out to Pacifica who accepted it."It's so nice to see you again"Mabel said happily as she gave Pacifica a hug "It's nice to see you too"Pacifica said.Bill spoke "well as much as I would love to catch up with you llama I have to go and find Pine Tree so bye" he said then he vanished "why did he take the cat with him?"Pacifica asked."That cat is Will Cipher, Bill's brother he has been stuck in that cat form since Bill brought him here Bill and Dipper are trying to find a way to break the chains that are tying Will to the rest of the Cipher family "Mabel said Pacifica just stared at her.Mabel scratched the back of her neck "Bill is better at explaining this then me so you should ask him about Will"she said.Pacifica sat down on the couch she rubbed her head"Okay Mabel what I got from that is that Will, Bill's brother is stuck in the form of a cat because of the Cipher family that's why he has those chains around his throat and paws or hands whatever, so Bill and Dipper are trying to find a way to turn him back into a human did I get all that right?" Pacifica said looking at Mabel Mabel shrugged "close enough"she said"anyways want to hang out?""sure"Pacifica said.They heard a crash and saw Bill walking towards them "Hey Shooting Star can you watch Will I have to go buy some things from the store". "Sure Bill"Mabel replied"thanks"Bill said handing Mabel cat Will "one more thing if Will starts whining it means he is either frustrated or stressed out even so just give him attention and affection he likes affection and if he gets injured the first aid kit is in the cabinet okay?". "Okay we got it Bill"Mabel said cheerfully "now go get the things you need ".Bill smiled then looked at the cat "it's alright Will I'll be right back " he petted the top of the cat's head the cat purred.Bill snapped his fingers he vanished just as Dipper entered the kitchen"have you seen Bill? I was sure he took my hat"Dipper said "he just left"Mabel said Dipper let out a groan then he noticed Pacifica "Hey Pacifica it's been a while how have you been doing?"he asked her "I've been doing okay my parents are struggling with money but I cut my ties with them a long time ago since they are still trying to reach that high social status"Pacifica said "I see well I got to go I'm gonna see if I can get my hat back from Bill" Dipper said he left the kitchen Pacifica watched as he left then she looked at the cat in Mabel's arms the cat stared at her it blinked it's eyes grew wide then it blinked again."Will where are you going? "Mabel asked softly as Cat Will jumped out of her arms.Cat Will looked at Pacifica Pacifica got down on one knee she looked at the cat right in front of her.The cat lunged at her Pacifica winced and closed her eyes but when she opened them she realized that Cat Will wasn't trying to hurt her he just wanted to show her affection.Pacifica blinked where is he? he was here just a minute ago she thought to herself then she saw something sticking out of her hair it was Will. Pacifica let out a small laugh "come here you little rascal" she said softly she picked up Will and laid him down on her lap.Will looked at Pacifica with wide blue eyes Pacifica stared at the cat in her lap she petted the top of his head he purred and looked up at her.Pacifica and Will locked eyes she realized something then and there.When she had looked into the cat's right eye the cat's eye was full of sadness it's ears and tail were lowered Pacifica noticed Will's left eye was covered because of his bangs she wanted to move Will's bangs away from his eye but she didn't want to scare him Pacifica hugged the cat close to her chest never breaking eye contact with it the cat licked her cheek.Pacifica smiled to herself she let out a soft chuckle "it's okay Will " she said to him Cat Will curled himself himself into a ball and closed his eyes before going to sleep "Pacifica are you okay?" Mabel said there was an expression full of worry on her face as she looked at her friend "I'm fine"Pacifica said softly as she looked at Mabel "Then why are you crying?!" Mabel asked.Pacifica raised a hand to her face she felt tears falling down her cheeks. Pacifica wiped her eyes with her hand then she looked at Mabel "Mabel I'm fine really, it's just when I looked at Will I felt ........" she trialed off "you felt what?"Mabel asked Pacifica looked at her "I felt sad, really sad because Will, when I looked at him I saw sadness in his eye even in the form of a cat he looked fragile as if he would break down at any moment and when I saw that I thought of nothing else but to make him happy and to make sure he wasn't sad anymore"Pacifica looked at Mabel Mabel was listening closely Pacifica continued talking "What I'm trying to say, Mabel is that I don't want Will to be sad because in a way he reminds me of myself".Mabel hugged her "You care about Will even though you just met him today I care about him too and we will find a way to turn him back into a human I promise"Mabel said quietly.Pacifica smiled she hugged Mabel they stayed like that for a while until someone cleared their throat they turned around and saw Bill standing in front of the doorway a bag full of materials in his hand "well llama you have proven yourself worthy of my trust"Bill said he extended his hand to Pacifica.Pacifica looked at Bill for a moment before she shook his hand "Thank you Bill"she said then she looked at the cat in her arms "Will is asleep right now, do you want to take him with you?" She asked."It's best if he stays with you and Shooting Star for a while "Bill said quietly then he spoke again with a much happier tone and a amusing expression on his face "besides I have to give Pine Tree his hat back, which reminds me where is he?".Bill looked around "He is probably back at the study"Mabel said "well see you later"Bill said "oh and llama"Bill looked at Pacifica with a grin on his face "good luck "then he left leaving a confused Pacifica and Mabel with a sleeping cat on Pacifica's lap."well let's go get some ice cream "Mabel said "Sure"Pacifica said she put Will in a basket and held it in her hands Mabel carried a small rainbow themed backpack "well let's go"she said.They left a note for Bill and Dipper saying that they would come back in a bit and that they took Will with them.
Meanwhile, back in the basement Bill watched as Dipper was adjusting an artifact in front of a handmade laser he must have spaced out because Dipper was talking to him."Okay so if I have the coordinates correct we can point the laser at Will and since it is fueled by this artifact "Dipper looked at the laser with the artifact still in it's place he turned around but didn't look at Bill."We should be able to make Will human" Dipper said confidence in his voice then he looked at Bill who was lost deep into his thoughts that he hadn't heard a single word he said "Bill?"Dipper asked it took him a minute to realize that Bill had spaced out. Dipper snapped his fingers there was no reaction so Dipper tried something else to try to get Bill out of his trance but it was risky and Bill would probably be upset with him but it was worth a shot.Dipper inhaled then he walked towards Bill until he was directly in front of him his face was inches away from Bill's what is he even thinking about Dipper thought to himself I wonder if he would mind if I................Dipper raised his hand close to Bill's face he only moved Bill's bangs back slightly then in a swift motion Bill snapped out of his trance he grabbed Dipper's wrist tightly surprising even himself as he let out a growl "don't do that, please "Bill said softly he looked at Dipper directly in the eyes then he realized something, not only had he surprised the kid but he had scared him.Dipper looked back at Bill he was merely curious as to why Bill kept his right eye hidden. Bill's action at this not only surprised him but scared him he found himself thinking if Bill was going to revert back into his old ways but he pushed those thoughts aside and looked at Bill then looked at his wrist which was starting to hurt "Bill, my wrist"Dipper said then he cursed himself for sounding scared.Bill looked at Dipper he noticed there was a fearful expression on his face, in the past he would enjoy seeing a fearful expression on the faces of people who he tormented but realizing that Pine Tree was scared of him hurt him emotionally and he didn't know why.Bill let go of Dipper's wrist "thanks"Dipper said, he winced slightly when he looked at his wrist then he looked at Bill "Bill are you okay?"he asked. Bill had taken a step back he was trying to piece his thoughts together why is he worrying about me shouldn't he worry about himself? Bill thought I hurt him so why does he care if I'm okay ?!. Bill was confused while Dipper just looked at him

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