Part 1

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It was the night before the first day of school and you had just moved from New York to California. So that means you didn't have any friends. You weren't very excited because you knew school sucks and you never really made friends instantly. You begged your mom and dad over and over to homeschool you but they never really liked the idea of that.
You just laid in your bed thinking about how bad school was going to be the next day. You ended up watching TV until 1:30 AM.

7:30 am:
You had woke up for school and you were tired AF. You had only got about 6 hours of sleep and you knew you would be a nervous wreck at school and make your first impression to everyone that you fell asleep on the first day of school, but yet some people might think that's funny. Oh well.
" Y/N GET UP OUT OF THE BED AND COME AND EAT BREAKFAST" your mom yelled up the stairs. Your dad had already headed to work at 5:00 in the morning.
"Okay!" You yelled back at her. You got up and got dressed and wore the schools uniform, yeah the schools uniform, another thing you didn't like about the school is it had a uniform your old school back in California didn't have a dress code or a uniform.

You went down stairs and ate your breakfast. The only good thing about the day, Pancakes.
You had to ride the bud because your mom had to go to work early. You sat down on the seat and started listening to music. You were the second one on the bus so you still had a while to wait before you got to the school. You were looking out the window all of the sudden you felt someone next to you. You looked next to you, there was this boy he was super cute, he was 1000% cuter than all the boys at your old school. He looked at you and you took your earbuds out.

"Hello?" You said, "Hi have I seen you before you look new?" He said, "yeah I'm new", "oh then my name is C/N" he said, "nice to meet you I'm Y/N"
You and C/N started talking and seemed like y'all liked the same things.

At the actual school lol*

You walked into first period and you saw C/N. You walked over and sat next to him. "Heyyyyyy" C/N said. "I heard a rumor that Mrs Johnson, had a crush on someone in the 11th grade" C/N said. "Seriously that's hilarious that must be super embarrassing for her she will never date him lol" "Do you know how old she is?" C/N asked, "She's 49!" C/N laughed.

You and C/N started to become very good friends as the year went by like Best Friends, but what he didn't know was you started to have a crush on him, he was just so sweet and kind and cute, and not many boys were like him especially ones that play football. You loved going to C/N's football games because after you would get ice cream no matter if they won or lost. You were very excited because there was a football game tonight you hadn't had Ice cream in at least a month.

* at the football game
You were sitting with your friends Alice and Clara (btw you made friends lol)
They had boyfriends on the field so they liked to come watch them, that's why they were always with you.
It was December and it was cold and you were wearing a T-shirt and leggings. You weren't used to New York weather just yet. The football game was nearly over and you were freezing! The football game ended (they one btw) you headed over to C/N, you were gonna leave until he noticed you were shivering.  He took your hand and ran to the locker room. "What are you doing?" You asked, "stay here, I'll be one minute." You waited a couple seconds and he came out with a jacket. It was a nice black and fluffy jacket. It was big on you but you liked it. Especially because it smelled like him. It went well with you outfit as-well LOL.  You and C/N went to go eat ice cream, it wasn't really the best thing considering it was freezing outside. But I mean it was still Ice Cream. After that you and C/N went home
Next Day:
Today seemed off, it seemed like a normal school day it just seemed off. Near the end of the day you were going to your locker and walked down the stairs and saw a girl pushing C/N against the wall and making out with him. He looked like he was trying to push her off but instead of staying and watching the rest you ran off and decided to skip math. You cried in the bathroom for awhile until the bell rang for the end of the day. You wiped your tears off and walked out to go to the gym for the bus. C/N saw you and started to walk up to you. "Y/N!" " I haven't seen you all day why weren't you in Math?"
You just decided to ignore him. "Y/N?" "Are you crying?" He asked, "no just leave me alone C/N!" C/N started to realize why she was so mad at him. She saw that girl making out with him. "Shit." C/N whispered under his breath. She got to the gym and decided to sit at the top bleacher, farthest away from C/N. C/N was at the bottom talking to some of his friends. He continued to look at her.
She just didn't care for him right now, She just wanted to forget about him about her crush on him, all about boys. She looked over to her left and saw a unfamiliar person he was wearing all black and he had a hockey mask on.
Her pov:
I kept an eye on this man. I didn't think he was a visitor. All of a sudden he pulled out a gun and pulled the trigger. I started to cry when I saw who it hit. C/N. "C/N!!!!!" I yelled. This man ran out of the gym. I heard more gun shots after that. More and more people scream. "C/N no!!" I started to cry even more I know he hurt my feelings but he was my best friend, my first best friend, I started to cry even more than I was C/N shoulder was bleeding super bad it was gushing out blood. I couldn't stop crying even if I wanted to.
" Y/N, please stop crying, I'll be fine, no worries" he said mumbling. You started to cry more, you got your phone out and called the police the ambulance was now coming. Now to stop the bleeding, you tied your sweater around his shoulder. Y'all go into the ambulance, and you start crying even more. "Y/N don't cry, you'll mess up your makeup" you laughed at his joke, " for real y/n don't cry, I will make it threw this okay? And if I-I don't then I want you to know that I" C/N's eyes slowly close and you start to cry even more. You arrived at the hospital and they rushed C/N into the back (operating room) they stopped you and told you that you couldn't go back there. They called C/N's mom, and she saw you and you can tell she was panicked. She saw how much blood was on you, " are you okay?" "Yes" "did you bring my son here?" "Yes m-ma'am", " god bless you thank you...." "what's your name?", "y/n" " oh c/n always talked about you at dinner like y/n did that,  y/n did this, I always wanted to meet you but not in this circumstance." C/N's mom said.  A doctor came over to you to and told you the news. "He just went into surgery but in his condition it's unlikely he will make it." The doctor said. You started to cry again and C/N's mom held you, you cried so much you cried yourself to sleep. You woke up in a room on a chair and you saw C/N's mom and in front of you was C/N. Asleep he looked so peaceful. You were so happy to see him alive. The doctor walked in and told you that any news about C/N would come to you and anyone else. "Visiting hours are almost over so you should go home and get some rest." The doctor said. You went home and cried because you thought in the morning he might not be here anymore.

*in the morning

You woke up to 15 missed calls from C/N's mom you decided to call her back to see if C/N was awake yet.
"It's about C/N..."
"What about him??"
"He passed away."

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2019 ⏰

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