Chapter 17

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Hidden chapter~*~

In the movie theatre, Ryan's POV, but something different happens

Umm I don't know what this is, but you found it, so enjoy?

Ryan settled into the seat next to Brendon. Z had ended up on the far end of the group, and he was kind of wishing she could have been next to him. He was still shocked that she'd not only met someone, but that someone was a girl. He'd always had a gut instinct that Z wasn't fully straight, but over the years of knowing her only dating men, he kind of thought she'd repressed that part of her. He wondered if that was why she'd grown attached to Brendon's friend so quickly. Ryan realized he'd already forgotten her name.

On the other hand, he'd gotten in deep with Brendon just as quickly. They'd known each other for less than a day, and as the movie started, he found himself wondering if he should hold Brendon's hand, or attempt to make out with him. He knew next to nothing about the guy; would he even be comfortable with public displays of affection?

Ryan's mind was reeling down all these different pathways, but beneath that, he couldn't help but notice how awful the movie was. It had barely started and he was already bored with the over acting and pointless plot. If it hadn't been so loud with explosions, he probably could have fallen asleep.

He looked over at Brendon, intending to judge if he was enjoying the movie or not. Instead he got distracted, leaning forward in his seat to see that all of the others were gone. He turned toward Brendon whispering, "Where'd they all go?" 

Brendon shrugged without taking his eyes off the screen. Ryan scrunched his face up in confusion, glancing around to see that the rest of the seats in the theatre were also empty. He could have sworn they saw at least a few other people when they'd sat down. Ryan leaned in again, still whispering although it wasn't really needed, "There's no one else in here." He felt a little creeped out for some reason. 

Brendon smiled at him, placing his hand over Ryan's wrist and squeezing reassuringly. Ryan's stomach felt like it leapt to his throat as Brendon replied at full volume, "They didn't really want to watch the movie, and I don't blame them." Something mischievous sparkled in Brendon's eye as he tilted his head, encouraging Ryan to look back at the screen.

The scene had completely changed from the action movie to a still shot of a door. A hand came from behind the camera and knocked on it. A voice from inside yelled, "Just a second," and Ryan frowned, feeling like the voice was weirdly familiar. It definitely didn't belong to any of the actors that had been in the movie, but something about the voice sent shivers up his spine.

The door opened on screen and Ryan's brain failed to absorb what he was seeing. He was the one in the movie, as the camera panned back and showed Brendon standing at the door holding a box of pizza and wearing a uniform. "Uhhh-" Ryan couldn't form any coherent thoughts as he looked to the Brendon next to him, wondering what the fuck was happening.

Brendon shushed him. "Just watch, this part's really good." He still had his hand on Ryan's wrist, but Ryan had lost all feeling to his extremities, and he couldn't feel it.

The Brendon on screen said, "Hello sir, I have your pizza delivery." His acting was cheesier than the actual movie they'd been watching before, and the camera didn't try to hide that the pants of his uniform were unnaturally tight, making his ass the most prominent thing on the screen. Ryan blushed when he caught himself staring at it.

"I ordered that over an hour ago," Ryan watched himself respond. His onscreen self was wearing sweatpants that hung off his hips low enough to show the cut of his hipbones and the top of his boxers. He seemed genuinely annoyed that the delivery was late in a way real-life Ryan never would be. He would have just thanked the guy and paid, sending him on his way.

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