Murder Murder

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After school Jughead and I were chilling in a booth in Pop's. I casually fiddle with one of my fries as I gaze up at Jughead.  I give a small chuckle watching Jug tear through his burger  and fries.


"Wow Jug, sure you're not the pregnant one?" I joked lightly.

"I sure hope not" Jughead replied mid fry with a small smirk. 

Jughead smile soon fades as polished off the last fry. "What do you plan to do with the baby Arch can't exactly hide it under your bed"

I take a long sip of my milkshake, "I don't know...., I haven't even told my dad Jug, it's just so complicated "

"Well whatever you do Archie I'm here to support you"

A small smile graced my lips,"Thanks Jug"

There was a short awkward pause.

"Heard about the body found by the railroad"

I looked confused. "What body?"

"A body was found near the railroads earlier"

My eyes widened considerably, "you don't think?"

"Hiram Lodge, already on it, he reported he was home all evening but that don't mean he couldn't have sent a hitman"

I bit my lip in thought. "Does he have a motive?"

"Well-" Jughead didn't get to finish when the doors opened revealing Veronica.

"Archikins your finally out of your rabbit hole" she said with a bright smile rushing over to us. She shifted her shopping bags to her next hand and hugged him tightly with other.

I couldn't help but shift uncomfortably. "Ronnie what's with the bags?" 

She released him and her smile only grew wider . "Don't tell anyone but guess who is about to be a big sister!"

I couldn't breathe.

It felt like was drowning gasping for straws.

"Oh wow that's quite unexpected" Jughead replied.

"I know right! I just can't wait. Please don't tell anyone though my parents don't want everyone to know yet " 

I put on my best fake smile.

"That's fantastic Ronnie, you will make a great big sister"

"Thanks Arch, well I gotta go, got a little thing to do with Betty, I will call you Archie and you better pick up" and with that she was gone.

When she was out of sight Jughead looked back at me and my facade fades, "How does she know"

"Calm down Archie I don't think she know knows she didn't refer to you so she doesn't "

"But Hiram told her but I don't know how much"

"Its alright Archie just we will figure this out okay"

I picked at my fry before nodding. 



Third Person

Meanwhile in the Pentbrooke, Hiram was at his desk when a frizzled  Hermione Lodge entered the room. She placed down the sonogram in front of him and crossed her arms.

 "Who's is it"

Hiram looked down at the sonogram before looking up at her.

"Where did you get this" he said sitting up straight.

"Dosen't matter , who's is it"

Hiram lips went into a thin line before saying," Archie Andrews"

Hermione gapped for a moment and did a small pace before looking back at him.

"How could you Hiram, I stood by you through everything and this is how you repay me"

Hiram took the picture up looking at it. "Does Veronica know?"

"Yes she does, but I covered and said it was mine"

Hiram raised an eyebrow," why?"

"She doesn't need to know, it would crush her and she doesn't need that."

Hiram gave a small smirk and stood up. "I see, so I suppose you plan to continue this charade, for our daughter"

"I...yes she trusts me if I can't loose that"

"Well I guess we shall continue this"He strides towards her.

"What about when the baby is suppose to be born"

Hiram wraps his arms around her gently.

"Don't worry Mione, "

"Trust me"


Consequences of Archie AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now