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I know things have been bumpy, and  I have  no words to express my apology to you. I actually don't think this is an apology, heh. Sorry, this isn't funny I know and  I was trying to make it that way before, I  remember a time where you told me you were afraid we  wouldm't be in any classes together and i'd make new friends and would forget about you and that was  totally differen you have new friends and you forgot about me

I am not a stranger, but I am yours or I was and since this always seems to keep happening to us I can't and you don't want to be my friend, I may look at you in school to remember lots of things, lots  of fun things but  they don't matter. I lost alot of friendships, you already heard this 'pity' story as you would  put it. But I wanted to say a few things, a few things  I could never say to you because I am a coward, here you can learn the real me you have  always wanted to learn, the real me  I never let you learn here is a  restart.

U-Uh Hi, my name is Leah.. here is a few  things about myself..I'm really shy, i'm not that strong and  I guess you could say i'm a crybaby...I have not very many friends and  I love animals I love anime and homestuck.  I  love to ship and   I  don't talk often... I like sweets and happy things anything pink is  cute  in my eyes. I'm very fragile and I love to be happy with my friends unless someone gets hurt...

Uhm... Things i'm afraid of is Clowns, Blood, guts, Creepy moving  dolls, jumpscares, basically anything scary that you can think of.. Things that hurt me is Poking, Punching, Slapping, Biting, Scraching so basically anything like that....

I hope we can become good friends...

But that is not the  me you meet, and  the  me you'd want to be friends with but starting a  new  point  in time that will be the  new me...That was me  in 5th grade and that will be me in 7th and the rest to follow and  I promise  I won't hurt you because  I love you more than anyone in my family, in that school in my life. You are the  best thing in my life along with  Johnna, Sandor, Dylan, Caleb , Elliot, Kat, Mikee  and Seth but you are  my top person and you doubted that before and you  might still be doubting it through this note but here is this for you.

When I fought with you for the  first time  I thought you'd hate me.

But you didn't.

I thought the second time we fought you'd never forgive me.

But you didn't.

The third time  we fought I thought you'd tell my secret 

But you didn't.

The forth time we  fough I thought you'd give up on me.

But you didn't.

Yes there were times you continued to be my friend but  this time we fought  I thought you'd leave me.

And you did.

Another thing for you.

For the person who has:

Protected me.

Kept me  out of trouble.

Soothed me.

Made me laugh.

Made me happy.

Never hurt me.

Kept me safe.

Hurt anyone who dared to hurt me.

Kill anyone who dared to touch me.

Hurt your sanity over me 

But most importantly loved me.

I wanted to let you know I am not strong, and there are alot of things I cannot do, and though I am not sure  of most things in this world I am sure I will love you forever and always.

I wish you could:

Save me all over again.

Make me laugh again.

Keep me safe all over again.

Hurt anyone who hurts me all over again.

Sooth me  all over again.

Love me all over again.

Trust me all over again.


I had to be there for  Seth because  no one  else has  been, he is a  poor boy and  his mom hates  him if no one will do that job I have  too.   I do understand the part with Mckenna  it's just I love being someones center  of happiness,  you are the  only one who makes me happy most the time and  I feel that with Mckenna you'll completly forget about me and how happy  I made you.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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