Marooned: A SeaMexican One-Shot

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Author's Note: My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun.

Dear Adam,

I would've loved to do this in person. However, fate decided to be a bitch. I suppose this is my goodbye. Unintentionally, of course. But, what can ya do? Not much.

I'm not entirely sure if this'll reach you or not considering the circumstances, which you probably don't know about right now while I'm writing this. They're probably still trying to find a way to get me out of here. But, they don't know the technology like I do. And hell, to put it gently, I'm boned, Adam. I'm so fucking boned. You've either never gotten this letter and all my effort was for nothing or this was handed to you at the funeral and you've waited several months, possibly even a year, to read it because it hurt too much like I know you would. I'm hoping the latter.

I'm guessing they tried to explain what happened, but it was rather vague, wasn't it? They couldn't understand what was happening down there because I lost transmission. Sorry about that. But uh, here's what happened. I couldn't get the ship to start up again. Appearently, there was a leak in my fuel so, you know, that's kinda a big problem. And one of the unidentified... things... got stuck to the hull of the ship. It turns out they've got some weird electric thing they can do. They messed with the wiring and caused a self-destruction. I got an extra tank of oxygen, a chain, a pad of paper, and a picture of you from my wallet before I fled. You know the one I'm talking about. The one where you've got sharpie all over your face. The one you hate. Yep, I got it right here. Anyways, I got a pretty good distance away from the ship. I'm just waiting for it to explode now. Should be pretty soon.

But, uh, yeah. To put it bluntly, I'm stranded on Jupiter.

And, I'm terrified.

I've got myself tethered to a giant asteroid, and I'm sitting in my suit, writing this. It's the only thing left to do. I know that I'm going to die. I know that I'm going to run out of oxygen and I'll slowly suffocate. And I guess I'm fine with that. I just wish I wasn't alone. I wish you were here. No. Scratch that. I don't wish you were here. I wish I was there. I wish we could've done all of the things that we wanted to do.

So, we're going to. In this letter to you, Adam Montoya, we are going to live a long, prosperous life in the short fifteen minutes I have left.

Adam, I've always loved you. I have. From the moment I met you, I knew that you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. As cheesy as that sounds, it's true. I'm sorry if I made you gag. That was awful. Let me start over.

My plan was to come home after this expedition, and I was going to take you out on a date. We were going to get dinner then take a walk on the beach. Once we got to the boardwalk, I was going to walk out onto the edge with you, and we were going to sit with our legs dangling over the end. That's when I'd wrap my arm around your shoulder, kissing your cheek and enjoying being with you. And I'd talk about how much I love you and I missed you so much and I don't think I can ever leave again because I'd just miss you too much. And I'd stand up, and rummage through my pockets until I found what I was looking for and you'd already know what I was going to do. I would get down on one knee and say (I've rehearsed this so many times), "Adam Montoya, I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

So, Adam... Will you marry me?

I suppose I shouldn't ask questions because that's just not healthy. I'm going to assume you'd say yes. We'd get married after planning a wedding for a year and a half because you wanted it to be perfect while I would've been very happy just running off to Vegas. I just want to marry you. That's all I want.

After some years, we'd decide that we want kids. For obvious reasons, we would have to adopt. I imagine you'd want a girl... And want to name her Total Badass Baby but we'd end up with Evelynn. When Evellyn was however many years old, you'd want another and we'd adopt a baby boy who you'd want to name Total Badass Baby #2. His name would be Paul.

On parent career day, you'd come in with Evelynn and Paul and a picture of me in my suit. And you'd tell everyone how you worked for the FBI as a crime investigater although you're actually an agent (Shhhhhh!). You'd hold up the picture of me and Evelynn would talk about how her Daddy was an astronaut and sailed the stars in his super cool spaceship... Oh, come on, it's pretty awesome. Admit it!

I'd come home for years at a time and spend them with you and the kids while researching in the labs until I had to go back up for another expedition. I'd miss all of you. Evelynn and Paul would graduate high school and go on to become excellent parents and have kids of their own. Our grandchildren would come visit every month and spend a weekend with us.

We'd grow old together, you and I. I like to think that I'd be the first to go. Peacefully. Maybe in my sleep in a hospital bed surrounded by everyone I love. You would cry and miss me for a few years before you'd join me. And that would be the end of us.

It's funny to plan my life when I know I'll never get to live it. Now, don't you go smudging the ink with your tears. You need those pages!

There goes the ship. I only have a few minutes now. They'll take another ship here to try to save me, but they won't make it in time. They'll find my body in my suit that's floating about a thousand yards from the wreck of my ship. They'll find the note pad and give it to you.

I love you, Adam. Don't blame yourself because I know that's what you're doing. Stop it. I gave you this written life with me so you don't have to keep thinking "Where would we be if he was here?" I'd be right by your side and that's the only thing that matters. But, I'm not. So I need you to move on. Find someone that'll love you like I do. Create a new life with them. I love you, Adam Montoya.

You always said that stars reminded you of little stairs. Well, I'm making a ladder out of them, and climbing down to Earth to give you one last kiss. I love you so, so, so, so much, Adam. I love you so

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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