Chapter 13: Everyone Has a Story

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The next day, we went back to our old ways. And by that, I mean, me jumping on his back and him giving me piggy rides.

I grabbed my stuff from my locker and then we walked hand in hand to our next class. We took a seat and then he interlaced our fingers. I smiled at how perfect our hands fit together.

"So, for our date, I thought we should have a picnic by a lake. It's an hour drive but the place is worth it."

"I think it sounds perfect. I'll make sure to bring cookies." I smiled as he chuckled.

He pecked my lips and then the teacher entered the classroom.

After classes were over, I pinched his arm, all this seemed surreal.


"Sorry, I just feel like I will wake up any minute." I sighed as I rubbed his arm.

"I think the pinching is the other way around, and you're very awake." He smiled.

"That's good, cause I'm having a great time dating you." I said as I interlaced our fingers while walking out of the school. "You make me happy."

"Me too, you're one of a kind, little monkey." He pecked my lips. "I'm happy too."

"Aww." We turned to see, Bella, Cole and David.

"You guys are so cute." Bella smiled.

"I'm just glad you two are together and not being miserable." Cole added as we gave him a look, he just shrugged.

"Hey, David." Tiffany said while smiling.

"Hey beautiful." He smiled. "I hope you're okay with this." He asked while looking at Matt.

"I don't have a problem, I'm happy with Rain. I hope Tiffany doesn't cheat on you."

"I made a mistake. But I regret it. I have a lot of issues, and you never told me cute things, or gave me a nickname, I guess I wanted to feel wanted. Our relationship was always one sided. I told you I love you and you said you love spending time with me, which was a lie."

"Deep down, your heart was already taken, you were just too oblivious to see it." She sighed; she left the parking lot.

Why must I be blessed with a big heart, "I'll go talk to her." I said before leaving, I managed to caught up with her.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Why, I've been a bitch to you. Why would you want to hear me?" She said as tears were falling.

"Because, we all need a shoulder to cry sometimes." I gave her a cheeky smile, she let out a small laugh.

I sent Matt a text, and told him that I would call him later. And also, since he has the keys to my car, I told him to take it.

"Shall we?" I asked as she nodded. We got inside her car and drove to the beach that was ten minutes away. Once we arrived, we sat on a log near the sea.

"So, what's with the change of heart?"

"Well, after my breakup with Matt, I found myself alone. Guys would only get closer to me, for a quickie. I know you don't believe me, but I've never been with anyone."

"Didn't you cheat on Matt?" I questioned her.

"Yeah, but only kiss was involved. The whole bitch facade was to hide my insecurities. I feel ugly, and no matter the surgery I did, still wasn't enough. Insecure of my body, I went on diets, starved myself. I'm getting help thanks to David." She smiled when she named David.

"I didn't take you for an insecure person. I guess you never truly know what someone is going through, until they tell you their story."

"Yeah," she sighed.

I decided to change the topic, "so, you and David huh?"

"He asked me out one day and I thought he was going to be a jerk, but he's been a gentleman and he even goes to the doctor with me for my checkups. He makes me happy. He asked me to be his girlfriend two weeks ago." She said with a cheesy smile plastered on her face.

"Glad you found your happiness with him. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here." I told her while playfully bumping my shoulder with hers. She smiled and nodded.

I guess I was wrong about her, all she wanted was to be love when she didn't love herself. Tiffany wasn't a bad person, I guess she just listened to the wrong people. Everyone deserves a second chance. And I was also blessed with a big heart. I don't think another person would've done what I did today. After hanging out, she dropped me off at my house, I entered the living room and was met by Matt, Cole and Bella.

"What did I miss?" I asked while sitting next to Matt.

"Nothing, what happened with Tiffany?" Bella asked.

"Well, she's misunderstood and has lots of issues. One of them, is not loving herself, but thanks to David, that's changing." I smiled.

"Twin, you have a big heart." He smiled.

"I guess since David is one of Matt's friends, we should give Tiffany a chance." I suggested as they all looked at each other and then nodded.   

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