In a trench of depression
Deep below the surface
Drowning alive
Life is like the sea
Calm one moment
Tragic the nextI hold my breath
Trying to get to the top
But it seems as though it can not be reached
Just as I break the surface the waves pull me under once more
I feel like the end will never come
I pray and pray for relief
I pray for something or someone to take away my pain
But nothing does
But no one doesI struggle for air and start to panic
Just as I think the end has finally come
The water becomes stagnant
I reach the top
My lungs begging for oxygen as I take a deep breath
I try to keep moving
Heading towards the safety of land
I plead that the water stays calm long enough
But it never doesThe waves begin to thrash
I feel myself heading for the trench once more
I try to keep my head up
Watching the sunset in the horizon
The sun begins to go down
As do II am finally pulled under once again
This time knowing I will not be coming back up
I take in my last breath and let the waves engulf me
I sink down slowly but surely
I feel the warmth of love surround me
I am finally freed.