Chapter 2

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You woke up and realize you weren't on the couch. 'What the? Did I floated here? Did I sleepwalk last night?' Then,you remembered that night Aj carried you.

You mentally slapped yourself. 'Damn,why did I think like a 6 year old kid. Wait,is he still sleeping?' You were hesitating whether you should turned around or not.

'Please be asleep!' You close your eyes then turned around. You slowly opened your eyes and it's empty. You were relieved.

Aj:"You awake?"


'Relieved my ass'. You looked at him and he was wearing a grey T-shirt with a sweatpant. He suddenly ran to the bed and jump on it, that made you jump a little.

He was now laying beside you with a grinned. You were about to get up but he pull you back. You frowned at him but he keep his smily face.

Hani:"What do you want?"

Aj:"I want to get to know you"

Hani:"Well too bad 'cuz I dont want to"

You said sarcasticly while looking at the ceiling.

Aj:"Please,I never have a friend"

You looked at him with a 'Do I look I give a fuck' look. He notice and sat up.

Aj:"Let me introduce me to you"

He pulled you up to sit,that made you groaned and lazily sitting in front of him. 'Let me sleeeppppp'.

Hani:"Made it quick. I want to go back to sleep"

He clear his throat then looked at you with a serious face. 'Why so serious?'

Aj:"My name is Aj Mitchell. Real name ummm...not ready to be told. Age,18. Homeschool until middleschool. I work as a mafia leader. Dont ask about my parent. Seriously,dont"

After he finished,he looked at the bed sheet. He was waiting for your turn to introduce but you just looked at him. He then looked at you with a confused look.


You snapped back to reality and blushed for looking at him for too long.

Hani:"Ahhahaha its my turn"

He nodded then straighten his back.

Hani:"Okay! Since you asked for it and I will be stuck here forever... I'll tell you a little bit of me. My name is Hani. Real name ummm not ready to be told"

You chuckled quietly for copied what he said earlier and looked at him if he is laughing. He just smiled so you continued.

Hani:"I have 1 internet friend. No job yet. Hmmm... I dont know what to tell you. You already know that Im homeschool and blah blah that's it"

Aj:"Wait,1 more question"

Hani:"What is it?"

Aj:"Do you have someone? I mean um,boyfriend? Or girlfriend?"

You scrunch your nose while looking at him. He laughed at your cuteness.

Hani:"Im not lesbian and Im single"

Aj:"Well,just in case because there was a girl I asked out and turned out she cheated on me with a girl"

He was laughing his own story while you were speechless. 'Um...Is this suppose to be funny?' You just laughed along. After couple of minutes of fake laugh,you stop.

Hani:"Anyway,do you have a guestroom?"

Aj:"Yeahhwaiittt! You dont want to sleep with me?"

He looked at you with his sad eyes. But that didnt affect you.

Hani:"Well,duh. I just met you"


Hani:"I also need my clothes and women stuff"

He looked at you with a dirty smirked on his face.

Aj:"Women stuff?"


You looked at him not caring what he is going to say next. '1,2,3...'



A/N:Hope u enjoy le chapter...sorry if short ;-; theres a reason

Uwu me story got into too ranking


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