~Chapter 4~

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((You all ready for more drama! Cause I am ready!))InkMare included)) hehehehe))

Everyone else=Normal

Errors POV
I used my strings and tied around Inks waist. Ink woke up the moment my strings latched onto his clothing.
"E-error! What in the name of Multiverses are you doing!" Ink yelped.
I grabbed inks phone and showed the phone number to Ink.
"Why do you have Fresh's number?" I asked. Ink glared at the number a bit then looked at me.
"Why would you want to know?" He asked, I growled at him. Ink then quickly removed the strings.
Ink grabbed his phone back, and then walked out the door.

I kept walking, I didn't need to argue with him. It will be a waste of time, I then wondered why did he want to know, why I had his brothers phone number?
I stood out in the hall, I looked at my phone. It was already 12:50,I sighed and walked back to my dorm. But when I tried to open it. It was Locked, I knocked on the door hoping error would open the door. But he didn't.
I sighed and sat in the hall, I waited and waited until.
The I saw a Slimy tentacle slid up my arm. I looked up and saw the Octopus(nightmare).
"W-what Are you doing here!" I said immediately, he only smirked.
"So what are you doing here?" He finally asked. I just looked at the ground ignoring him. Then a tentacle wrapped around my waist. "S-Stop!" I said, he only looked at me then his tentacle went under my shirt. I immediately started to squirm and tried to put a distance between us. But I made it worse. He pulled me up and started to tease me. "P-PLEASE STOP!" I whimpered. He smirked as I was submissive to his dominance.
"Tell me why are you out here?" He asked again. I stared at my room door, he followed my gaze. "I'm guessing he locked you out didn't he?" He said. I nodded, then he grabbed my hand.
"Very well I guess You'll have to sleep with me tonight" he said pulling me along. "What NO!" I yelled and stopping in my tracks.
"If your thinking about the other kind of sleep your wrong" he said.
I blushed, "That's NOT what I meant! And I'm not dirty minded like you!" I yelled. He chuckled,"sure, whatever you say princess now would you like to sleep in the hall?" He said.
I looked around, then I followed him down the hall. He opened the door to his room, I followed him inside and saw another skeleton.
He wore a yellow crown, he was reading a book on his bed.
"I'm back dream" said the Octopus.
"Nightmare! GLAD YOUR BACK!" He got up from the bed and ran up to the Octopus and hugged him.
"Oh! You brought a guest! Hello stranger I am Dream! Nightmare's brother" he said and smiled, looking at me. I waved at him, he smiled brighter and Hugged me. "So...This Octopus is your brother?" I asked.
"Stop calling me a Octopus I Have a Name You KNOW!" Yelled the Octopus.
"Haha! Octopus!" Dream laughed, I laughed along with dream. Until tentacles wrapped around both of us.
"Stop laughing you two idiots!" Yelled the Octopus.
"Sorry if my brother is like that he often doesn't like to be made fun of" dream said. I agreed, he seemed short tempered.
"Nightmare Let us go now We promise we won't make fun of you" dream said.
The Octopus, or should I say Nightmare set us on the ground. Dream went to his bed and sat down.
"Stranger you haven't told me your name yet" dream said.
"Oh sorry, My name is In-"
"His name is Ink" nightmare said finishing my sentence. "Hey! HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!" I snapped.
He shrugged,"I don't know Rumors probably" he said. Dream was laughing, and I was flustered.
Dream Kept laughing until he started crying and coughing.
I waited until dream stopped laughing, "it's late now Ink you should probably return back to your Roommate" dream said coughing a little.
I looked at the ground, then a tentacle wrapped around my arm and pulled to nightmare's bed.
"He's staying with us tonight" nightmare said.
"Wait Why?" Dream asked, nightmare gave dream a scornful look.
"Don't ask Its none of your business" nightmare said.
"But where would ink sleep than? On the floor?" Dream asked.
"He's gonna sleep on my bed Don't question it" Nightmare snapped.
Nightmare made me lay on his bed, which made me uncomfortable.
He lay down right next to me, facing his face toward me.
I blushed feeling very uncomfortable, I could see dream looking over nightmares shoulder. Dream's looked like he was About to explode in laughter, seeing me face to face with his brother.
Until Nightmare Turned to Dream, "turn off the lights and sleep!" Nightmare snapped. Dream got up from his bed and turned off the lights.
Then he returned to his bed and lay down. I was still sure he wanted to laugh.
Nightmare turned back to me, and I immediately pretended that I was sleep.
Which surprisingly worked, because after I waited for three minutes nightmare was asleep.
I opened my eyes at looked face to face at him. He was snoring, he was loud but I could see he was a deep sleeper.
I looked at him for a while, then his arm grabbed me.
He pulled me closer to him, my face blushed. He pulled me so close to him, that I could feel his breath.
"Shhhh... you need some rest" a silent calm voice said.
He was awake the whole time......
My face was burning in blush, he was awake and he was clearly pulling me closer to him every inch. His arms wrapped around me. I tried to push away, but my eyelids grew heavy.
It was to warm and comfortable, I closed my eyes.
But before I could go to sleep, I heard a slight purr from nightmare.
It was the last thing I remember before I fell into my slumber.


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