Talking with Dumbledore

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Y/N P.O.V.

After all our morning classes me, Draco and Storm go to lunch. "Hey Dumbledork what's that you have there?" Pansy asks, with a sneer. I roll my eyes and look at Draco who does not look enthused.

"None of your business Pansy go away." I say. Pansy grabs my arm and spins me so im facing her, it being easy for her considering how small I am compared to everyone. Strom gets angry and tries to attack her but before he gets the chance Draco grabs him calming him down.

"YOU HAVE A DRAGON!? THATS ILLEGAL!" Pansy yells alerting all of the students in the great hall of what was going on. Storm jumps back onto my shoulders and curls up around my neck  making sure to watch everyone carefully.

"Attention!" My father shouts. It goes silent as everyone looks at him. "As you all now know Y/N has a dragon. He is a guardian and only loyal to those hes been introduced to properly. Y/N is allowed to  bring him to all his classes. His name is Storm. Storm will not attack anyone unless harm has come upon Y/N by any person. So please dont bother him and if you find storm without Y/N it means someone has separated the two of them, I know this because the bond they share will not allow them to be more then 10 feet apart without there being serious damage to Storm. The only people he can be with are those who he has bonded with and their arnt very many he can bond with unless permission is given by Y/N. So please if you see them separated please either find Y/N or me and return him. That is all." My dad explains I walk over to the slytherin table and sit down. Storm jumps from my shoulders to the bench and looks at the steak on the table. I laugh handing him a piece of meat before he takes it to the floor and lays buy my feet happily eating away. Draco chuckles at his antics and drops a piece of chicken for him. I smack Dracos arm and glare at him playfully.

"Draco stop I dont want him to be fat, that's enough food for a baby dragon." I tell him. After storm finishes his food he jumps up between me and Draco standing on his hind legs, with his front legs on the table so he can look at everyone. Storm thrills at a seventh year. The seventh year in question, who's name is Dean looks at him and smiles. Storm looks from me and dean confused. "What's wrong storm?" I ask.

'You should talk to sir Dumbledore it is not my place to tell' storm says. I look at him confused and he responds back. 'Yes I did just talk to you, our bond gives me the ability to speak to you. But its not just you I can also talk to your family and soul mate who I know but I cant tell you, you two must come together on your own.

~time skip brought to you by curios little baby Storm~

After all my classes I walk to the hippagriff statue that leads to fathers office and walk up to his office. "Dad can we talk," I ask.

"Of course my dear child what about?" He asks with a gentle voice.

'Sir it's time he knows the truth.' Storm says through the link we all share.

"Ah yes, take a seat Y/N this is a long story but before I tell you we need Dean as well, he is a big part of this story." He says and calls dean to his office before he began. "I believe it's time both of you know where you are really from, it was 9 years ago when you were the ages of 2 and 8, you Dean would remember this more than Y/N. As you know already j adopted you Y/N, but you had a brother. He unfortunately was adopted before I got there." He starts explaining to us I look at Dean and start noticing the similarities between him and me.

"Hes my brother, ain't he?" I ask in a quiet voice.

"Yes he is. As you know Y/N you were cursed as a child. Your hair grows while you sleep, and it grows really long really fast. That is because of lord Voldemort. It is said that not only is Harry a threat to him but you and Dean have always been a threat to him." Dumbledore explains.

"How are we a threat to him?" I ask confused.

"Your mother wasn't human, she wasn't a witch either." He says to us.

"Well if she wasn't that then what was she?" Dean asks reading my mind.

"She was a dragon. She was a shapeshifter, and therefore was a threat to Voldemort. She passed that trait to you both as well. Which is why you are a threat. You two are very powerful." Dumbledore says.

"If you dont mind me asking but what did happen to our mother?" I ask.

"Your guys' mother was killed by Voldemort." He tells us. "Now your father, hes a wizard. An animagus." Dumble doreen says to Dean and I.

"Where is our biological father then?" I ask him almost afraid of the answer.

"Your father is locked away in azkaban." Dumbledore explains to us with caution and I feel Storm shift around in my lap.

"If it alright that I ask, who is our father?" Dean asks with slight hesitation. I look at Dumbledore and see the hesitation to tell us who he is.

"Dad who is it?" I ask him quietly fearing the worst.

"Your father is Sirius Black." He says.

Sorry for the short chapter and for not writing in a whil I've been going through a bit of writers block. Hope you enjoy this small chapter.❤❤❤❤

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