Hit By Your Scent

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It's been three years since I last saw my precious Alexander....

I miss him so much.

After I left him there, with a heavy heart, I teleported myself and my family to a secret house of mine. It was perfect at the time..... But... Not for me, how can it be?

My other half was no near me.
Far from it, he was further than I could reach. My heart could feel the distance but my mind was trying to trick itself, thinking it's not that far and if anything happened I would be there for him.

Close enough for me to reach him...

Distance and time was what I needed, not for myself but for my plan, that was the key, the permanent solution to our main problem.

I am a Worlock
he is a werewolve.

And lilith no, I would never change who he is or who I am. So, the only thing I could do if not changing ourselves is to change the world.
With no regret nor hesitation I would do it. I would change the entire world if it meant for me and my beloved one to be again together. To stand next to each other, feeling each other.... And I did.

As I said, I needed time to pull out my plan, successfully... And that is why it hurt so much. Time when is liked go faster but when you wish to go faster it never goes you way. I feel like I have spend three centuries without my Alexander instead of three years.
In conclusion, time is a bitch.

Enough of that though. Back to my plan... Basically, what it was was to dethrone Lorenzo. As I hadn't take any political position or status during the wars it was plain impossible for me to gain the trust of the Worlocks so in main goal to take the lead. Yea, the council did beg me to become their leader for years but only because I am the strongest Worlock of all time, I didn't want people to follow me just because they feared me or because I am powerful. Also, Lorenzo's threat was not really helping with everything. It would have been so much quicker if it wasn't for him, he is the reason I ended up leaving Alexander, I had to leave him at a place where it would be safe and no Worlock or vampire could reach. I am well aware that now that Alexander is back the security of the village will have increased dramatically. Which for now is good enough.

I already had a small group of people supporting me as I had been in jeneral kind with all my people but it wasn't enough. Not when Lorenzo had thousands. I needed to get ahead of him. I needed power as quickly as possible. But, not in too rush because then I would be obvious and suspicious...

It is known that an army or followers are nothing without fate. So, I, slowly and steady, gained their trust. That was by going to meetings, parties of their's, helping them, talking to them and most importantly, protecting them. I made them trust me with their life, I made a connection of trust with equality, respect and honesty.

Lorenzo seemed to had caught on with my plan, quite last minute, and exposed me. Saying that I have a werewolve mate. It was taken rather unkindly, but surprisingly not all were so negative about it, actually, most didn't mind as long as I kept my leader duties a priority.

Even so, I couldn't let that get in my way. There was no way I would spend more nights without my Alexander than what I already had. So, in the end, I told them my opinion about the subject and everything that I considered appropriate to be heard by all.

Firstly, explaining how I am not the only one that was a Worlock and had a werewolve mate, which lead in a lot of heartbreak and agony or most of the times death. My people obviously had never heard of it, based on their faces and everything, and some even asked proof. Which I found understandable so, I showed them the files I had gathered with help of Raphael of course. I really don't know what I would do without him.

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