°I knew you'd find me°

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September 19.        

°no one's Pov°

" oh... oh no!" Jonathan said as he hurried to get up, he shook his head " no, no, no, no." Jonathan said in a worried, he saw Evan his, does he dare to say..."friend", A Ibubbly gas erupts in Jonathan's stomach as he looks at Evan, he felt himself get sweaty and nervous, Evan look down to meet the small boy's eyes, he immediately gasped, knowing he had found the one and only H2Odelirious... he smiled happily and grabbed Jonathan " oh my God, I was so worried about you Jon, I never thought I'd see you again and knowing that Id never see you again and that was because of me it hurt me so bad , I'm so sorry." Evan said, Jonathan sat there dumbfounded, " but Evan it's not your fault, I'm the one that chose to run away, I'm the one that chose make a fight about everything..." Jonathan said, as he looked at Evans dark hazel brown eyes, That were filled with soft gentle tears " no, no, no, no, no, no, you've got it all wrong, it was not right of me to act like that, I have no choice in your decisions or what you do, in fact I would have to agree with you it was way out of my Line to act like I own you and your mind when in fact we are just friends...I shouldn't have said all those hurtful things Jon, cause god dammit...none of em were true" Evan said, Jon looked at Evan "b-b-" Jon was cut off, Evan grabbed Jonathan by his chin a pulled their faces together, they were now but inches apart "no, don't even speak, you are so beautiful and you have the brightest god damn smile I've ever seen, you've occupied my train of thought and I guess I didn't know what to do about it, so I guess I chose to block you out of my mind the best I could but when you got here I just couldn't and I guess it made me possessive over you and then
...get pissed at you for a logical explanation you gave...I should've never said those things, end of story." Evan said starring into Jon's baby blue eyes as Jonathan stares right at Evans, with a warm coat of blush along his cheeks he breathed shakily,Jon then hugged Evan, Evan didn't hesitate to hug back, they laughed while shedding tears of joy knowing the both of them found each other, finally...

They smiled at each other for what seemed like forever, till Jonathan giggles at Evan, then Evan felt his face flush, "oh-shit you're so fucking adorable"Evan mumbled with stars in his eyes, Jon looked at him and tilted his head, "what, d-did I do something?"Jonathan said nervously, Evan smiled "no...all you did was be yourself and for that I'm grateful, just being yourself...cause I bet you know you can't be anyone else...never change." Evan said, he hugged Jon, Jon felt his whole body get goosebumps and butterflies, Jonathan hugged Evan back tightly while melting in his warm embrace, Evan smelled of boy cologne....Jon loved it~

He took a big breath of Evan and breathed out.

Jonathan never knew truly what it meant to love someone so much you don't want to let go but now he understood.

With Evan he knew he was safe.

In a warm embrace

Actually loved


As much as they needed each other they had been pushing away, maybe they were scared of what the other might think but for now it was the two of them, together in the rainy weather, nothing else , at that moment Jonathan and Evan together In the rain, hugging, they laughed and joked for awhile then Evan sighed "you have to come back....everyone's So worried..." Evan said rubbing Jon's cheek, Jonathan looked at Evan, he nodded and then smiled "for Evan, I will." Jon said..

They both started walking back to the house, both quietly chatting with each other as the rain poured down upon them, they felt almost as the war had stopped between them both, as well as they were finally at peace with a each other and no longer wish to rip each other's heads off, that's not even what they really wanted to begin with, they wanted to understand each other, to know why they felt this way about each other, they didn't know what threw them so off-balance, such a small thing can make such a big difference they know that now, they decided that they should not fight over what they don't know but learn about it more and maybe find the right solution for the problem...

There was a silence between the two boys, it's so weird, they didn't know how to feel.

" Evan, I just want you to know I'm sorry, I didn't- I mean I did- I didn't I me- didn't want you to break up with your girlfriend I didn't know that I-I really didn't know that she would do that I'm so sorry" Jonathan said, Evan only chuckled and patted Jonathan on the back "Jon I promise you it's really no big deal she was bringing up problems anyway, always getting jealous, always on her phone, always like she had something to hide...trust me I wanted to break up with her way before I met you  and I haven't even been with her that long so that's how serious I am"Evan said with a soft laugh " in fact I'm kind of glad you made me break up with her!"Evan said, smiling brightly, they both chuckled at each other, then Evan stops "and were b-" Evan the got pushed out of the way by Jackson "omg JON are you okay!!" Jackson said worried, Evan almost got mad when he remembered what he said, he sat there patiently waiting, Jonathan smiled happily " i'm perfectly fine don't worry about me!" Jon said with a chirp, he then giggled, Jackson's cheeks flushed a bright red, he chuckled, Jon then pushed Jackson out of the way to grabs Evan and pulls him inside the house thus action making Evans face go a bright red, Lui immediately ran and hugged Jon, though the smaller yet taller boy pushed Lui away, "I'm still pissed at you for saying I should apologize." Jonathan said, David looked at Lui "Lui...the fuck man, that's wrong." David said, Tyler nodded, Craig then growled " Evan." Craig said, Marcel and Craig both turned their attention to Evan "what the hell are you doing here you white cracker scum." Marcel said, Jonathan growled "Don't call him that you burnt sausage Dick, he was the one who found me, so be happy asshat." Jon said, Evan felt a warm sensation flow through his heart as the small boy stood up for him "We've talked everything out, there's no need to get mad at him or me, in fact drop the whole ordeal and let's enjoy the rest of this trip, okay?" Jonathan said, he smiled happily they all nodded and agreed it was the best idea, then Jonathan turned to Evan "so friendo, what's the plan for tomorrow, is it going to that square down there with the fountain and the beach and the mall, I really wanted to go to that mall but it was closed when I had "ran away" but anyway can we go to the mall, can we, can we!!!" Jonathan asked with stars in his eyes, Evan starred at Jon with a dark blush across his face as he watched the small boy beg to go to the close by mall and the beach, he then smiled at the thought, then he looked up from the begging boy and at the rest of the group "weeeelll?" Evan said to the rest of the group they all smiled and nodded

They yelled in unison,

This action caused the whole crew to laugh and wheeze, they then all headed to gaming room and played some Minecraft together, the rest of the team noticed how close Lui and David had gotten and started to ship them instead of Evan and Jonathan but deep down inside the both Jonathan and Evan knew, they'd be back to being the star couple after the group soon enough, Jon smiled warmly at a Evan, causing Evan to smile back with the same warmth in his smile, they both felt a sense of comfort when they both smiled at each other, they didn't Know what was to lay ahead of them all they knew is that from now on.

Nothing bad between the two of them would never happen to them...

We'll maybe..

They hoped so.

AHH, this took so friggin long
I don't even know why,
But nevertheless
This was
I'm so excited to create
More chapters for
If school
Hate me, or my

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