¤Taken Away¤

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Prompto stares at his feet, his body weak and numb.


"C'mon Noct. You're scaring me!
Seriously, man, cut it out!"
Prompto yelled as he ran away from Noctis, his heart racing in his chest, adrenaline pumping in his veins.
"Its not safe, plus you're causing a scene!" Prompto feared what the people he shoved past might think of their future king, if they recognized him in those moments.
"Quit playing around, okay?"
"You think this is funny?!" Noct yelled at him.
"Dude, are you seriously trying to kill me?"
"Why wouldn't I?" Noct grabbed him, shoving Prompto against the wall of the train.
"What're you after? Following me around this whole time? It's all YOUR fault!"
"What are you talking about?" Panic exploding in his mind, he tried to make sense of why his best bud would try to kill him. What had he done that was so wrong?
"Do you really mean that Noct?" He asked, emotionally hurt. He wanted to cry.
"Of course I do!" Noctis shouted at him.

-end of flashback-

Would Noct really come after him? After he said all those things.
It just didnt seem like Noct to have said those things... and yet.
He still stares at his feet, not that the view had changed, aside from slight colour disorientation from not blinking.
Closing his eyes, he silently prays to the Astrals that Noct hadn't meant the things he said, and that Noctis is coming for him.
He just has to be strong enough to hold out till Noct gets here.

Distant voices reach Prompto's ears, but only just. He doesnt even look up, as they get closer, or when the door to his cell opens.
He feels hands reaching for his restraints, and he glances up to see Noctis and Gladiolus helping him.
He drops to the floor, weakened from the time he's spent locked away.
Once he gained strength the four began to fight their way to the crystal's location.

"We're getting nowhere!" Gladio calls out, slashing down another daemon, as more spawn in relentlessly.
"And they just keep coming!" Prompto points out the obvious.
"Noct, you must go alone." Ignis states solemnly.
"If you can obtain the Crystal’s power, we may yet turn the tide. Elsewise, we are all like to perish here." Ignis isnt the best at pep talks.
"Iggy’s right. It’s our only chance." Neither is Gladiolus
"But what about you?" Noct asks.
"We’ll manage somehow! Just get moving!" Prompto tells at Noctis, taking another shot at a daemon.

Soon after Noctis was out of sight,  though Prompto was more focused on slaying the daemons in front of him to notice.
The fight against the daemons did eventually slow, and the three young men go after where Noctis had gone to.
Upon reaching the crystal, they find Noct isn't there, but Ardyn is. Ardyn then gestures to the crystal and begins walking away. Gladio takes a swing at him, but it doesnt affect Ardyn at all. Prompto's anger at this man is not enough to bring back Noct, but enough that he shoots Ardyn. Nothing seems to phase this guy! They just watch him leave, except Ignis, who could only hear him leave.
'I only just got him back for 20 minutes, and now he's gone again...' Prompto's heart felt like it was being crushed under an enormous weight.

And so began his wait for Noctis' return.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2019 ⏰

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