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With your face as red as a tomato, you made your way back into the kitchen. There was a huge wooden table in the center with a pile of fresh vegetables and meats. You rolled up your kimono sleeves letting out a deep sigh. Even though you were a princess, your mother had taught you how to cook some meals.
After a tuff 2 hours, you were finally fished. Holding a big pot of miso soup you carried it out, to where the guys were. They all stared at you with hungry eyes. You brought out the rest of the side dishes and sat down in the corner with your own food.
"(YN) come and join us" Konro patted the seat next to him. You agreed and sat next to him nervously
"Konro! Where did you find this beautiful woman from? Her cooking is delicious" the guys chatted amongst them selfs. Their kind words made your cheeks red.
"(YN)-chan we appreciate your cooking keep it coming" they cheered.
Not so long after Benimaru walked in taking a seat. The lively atmosphere drowned into a dead silence.
Your eyes wandered over to him, you tried your hardest not to picture him as he was in the bathhouse but failed.

"Did you hear...(YN) was in Beni's room last night and I heard they were in the bathhouse together this morning" one of the guys whispered, now your ears became red with embarrassment, while Beni didn't seem bothered. The men continued to gossip, you put your chopsticks down "excuse me" you bowed and left.

You found your self in the garden, staring at a small pond with a single lotus floating across the surface.
'Why didn't he say anything? Now they're going to think I'm one of those girls' resting you cheek against your palm, you could see someone else's reflection on the water.

"(YN) why are you really here" Beni stood over you
"For you to protect m-" "protect you from what?"
"There are a group of peopl-"
"BENI!! Two infernals have been spotted!" One of the men called out to him. "Tsk" he ran off with them.

You could see Konro standing inside the house he smiled "come (YN) help me clean up breakfast"
You followed him inside and started clearing the dishes away.
Konro's warm smiled didn't fade "(YN) After you told me you were from the Ishira family I did some research and you have a special bloodline..."
"Yes" you held out your hand and formed a purple flame. You quickly diminished it hiding your hand away. 

"They're some people that took my family captive and I managed to escape, I was scared and I heard that Beni was the strongest fire officer so I came here, I don't even know if my parent are safe! I don't know what to do!" Konro notices your hands were shaking and took them into his own. "(YN) we will protect you, your safe now. Konro pulled you into his arms at first you were shocked but liked the kindness he was emitting.

"Konro-" a voice from behind Konro interrupted the two of you. "Ah Benimaru, I see it wasn't a difficult task this time" Konro still had his hand on your lower back as he spoke to Beni.
Beni's eyes drifted towards your own for a second and then he left the room. "I'll go and see what he wants just finish up here" Konro spoke before following behind Beni.

After cleaning you met up with the twins "I'm Hina and I'm Hika" they smiled so sweetly.
"Finally another girl in the house!" They cheered "while the guys are fixing up the houses why don't we play dress-up!" Hina suggested she undid her hair tie and handed you a brush.
"Do me next!" Hika jumped " Ahh okay" you nervously took the brush and carefully brushed through Hina's tresses. 

Taking the two front section you twisted the strands and join them together around the back into a ribbon. Since their hair is always up you thought I would look nice down.
"Ahhh Hina you look so pretty" Hika's eyes sparkled
"My turn!"  After doing Hika's hair, they did yours.

Looking in the mirror they put your hair up into a bun and tied it with a bow. "Aww this is so nice" you hugged them "Is this what having siblings is like?" you thought.
The door to the room opened and revealed Beni and Konro. "Look at you three! Hika, Hina so beautiful! And (YN)...how stunning" he took your hand caressing it ever so slightly "thank you"
"Beni! What do you think! Isn't (YN) beautiful? We tried really hard to get her hair like that!" The twins asked pulling on his kimono shirt towards you.
Your eyes met his... "you look better with your hair down" that was not the response you were looking for... Beni left immediately "you look great (YN)"  Konro spoke.

After dinner, you decided to go to bed early. You had your own room near the garden.
Wrapped up underneath your futon, you started thinking about your parents all the horrors they could be going through right now, you felt guilty but you knew that it was best that those people didn't find you. Consumed by your thoughts you let the tears that you've held onto for so long fall. You soon drifted off to sleep.

Outside your door Beni could hear your muffled cries.

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