Saving my Pumpkin

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Juan's P.O.V
She sat there on that bench with her brown hair swaying lightly in the breeze. With her glasses slipping down, she pushed them up angrily that they slipped again. I chuckled softly at her cuteness. Today she was wearing blue jeans, some black high top converse, with a Hogwarts shirt that was tucked in showing off her curves beautifully.
She had no idea that she was the most beautiful human being on this planet just sitting there sitting on that bench reading The Notebook minding her own business. Yet again, she had no idea I existed so there was that problem again. I sat in my car watching her every movement. I have to make sure my Pumpkin was safe, ever since the day that I saw her.
It was the first day of school for me, the middle of the school year for everyone else. I was in my science class when I saw her walk in. Her brown hair was puffy framing her face perfectly making her look like an angel. She was wearing a purple shirt with and elf on it that was tucked into her dark blue jeans making her curves come out beautifully. She had black converse. She had a necklace on with two rings on each middle finger, and when I looked up, I caught her looking at me. I went and sat behind her and immediately took a deep breath in. She smelt of flowers and vanilla, and it took all of me to not hold her in my arms forever.
She turned around and smiled that took my breath away, I had to look away for I feared I wouldn't be able to stop staring. Then came her angelic voice that made my heart stop.
"Hi there blue, I'm Sophia," I just nodded because I was breath less.
"I'm Juan," I said softly looking down.
"Cool, well you can just listen and you can borrow my notes later since it's a lot," she smiled and turned away and I was upset that I didn't say anymore.
End of flashback
I shake my head, regaining my focus. She was sitting next to some guy talking to him, who was getting a little bit to comfortable for my liking. She started giggling at something he said, and he scooted closer. My blood started to boil when I realized that he was Sam, and he liked her, he was the guy who was always flirting with her. I had to stop him before he made a move and I had absolutely no chance at all.
I got out and started to walk in their direction. He now did that yawn trick where he put his arm around her. I could tell she was uncomfortable and that made me really mad, No one should make my Pumpkin feel like that! I walked faster, and by now she was getting more fidgety. You should know, my Pumpkin is socially awkward and has bad anxiety. So him doing this was a major no go. By now I was right behind them and I decided to play the role of me just seeing them.
I took my sweater and drenched it in the water fountain and since I was already in shorts and running shoes, it was perfect.
I started to jog by then when she saw me. Her eyes lit up and her cheeks flushed. She brushed her hair behind her ear, but because she has so much, it just all fell back in her face.
"Hey Sofia, what's up?" I asked and made my voice sound groggy so it made it seem like I was tired.
"Hey Blue, um nothing. Just talking to Sam, but I was leaving," she said and hurried to my side. Clutching onto her book, she let her hair fall onto her face. She looked so cute, I just wanted to scoop her up and hide her away from everyone else.
"Let me walk with you," Sam said and stood up. Pumpkin just stepped more in my side and at this Justin furrowed his brow.
"I can walk with her, to make sure she isn't disturbed by..." I looked at him with disgust " wanna a be boyfriends." Pumpkin snorted.
"No, I'll walk with her so she don't get disturbed by creeps," he said now stepping forward and reaching for her. I stepped in front of him, so I was blocking her from view.
"I wouldn't do that if I was you, wouldn't want that pretty face of yours getting messed up," I said and flicked his forehead.
" I'm just gonna walk with Blue here, Sam I'll see ya later," Pumpkin interrupted and peaked her head from around my shoulder.
"Blue here was about to show me where he usually gets his lunch," she continued and pulled my arm away. At first she couldn't considering she's only 4ft and I'm 6 ft, plus I'm made of pure muscle, so I just let her pull me along.
When we were a bit away, she stopped and looked at me awkwardly.
"Hey, um thanks back there. You really saved me and um thanks," she said and blushed while looking down. Her hair falled in her face, and she was standing like an anime girl. Her feet were pointing inwards and she was standing hunched, it was adorable and seeing her like this made my heart leap. I smiled so big that it wouldn't come off.
"No problem pumpkin, anytime," I said and bent down to brush her hair out of her face, her scent of flowers and vanilla hit me strong and that was bad.
"Well, I'll see ya around, bye blue," she waved and smiled that gorgeous smile of hers.
"By pumpkin," I whispered and stared until I couldn't see her anymore.

Hi munchkins! So how does it sound? I know it's a little weird, but thanks for reading it! I love you ALL! 💙💙💙 in case you were wondering, Emma Watson plays Sophia. The guys who plays Juan, will be in the next chapter!

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