Chapter nine: Beauty Underneath

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I was using my compass to find Gustave and I did, he was with Christine and Raoul. The Vicomte and Christine ran into the Girys and Gustave spotted me so he came over to me.

"Hi Jac," Gustave said.

"If it isn't the cabin boy from last night," I said closing my compass, "Hello Gustave."

"Am I really old enough to be a cabin boy?" He asked.

"Depends how old you are," I said.

"I'm ten," he said.

"Oh, three years off," I said, "fun fact, Coney island is ten years old."

"It is?" He asked surprised.

"Yes," I said putting my compass away.

"That's amazing," he said smiling.

"Now, what was I here for?" I asked myself pretending that I forgot, "ah yes, Mr Y is ready to see you."

"Okay!" He said rushing ahead of me.

I looked back at Christine and Raoul to see Raoul hurting Christine by squeezing her arm tightly. This isn't the Raoul I observed ten years ago. What happened? I ran after Gustave who found the rest of the Quartet so I came up to them.

"I see you've met the rest of the Quartet," I said.

"What's a Quartet?" Gustave asked.

"A group of four performers," I told him, "meet Doctor Gangle, Miss Fleck and Mr Squelch."

"Nice to meet you," Gustave said.

"Now let's get to Mr Y," I said, "we don't want to keep him waiting, come on you three."

We led Gustave to Erik's office and urged him to keep following us.

'Come along and follow us,' Gangle told him.

'Come and follow faster,' Fleck told him.

'Come along and follow us,' Squelch said.

'Come and meet the master,' we told him, 'hurry up and follow us, hurry if you care to. Soon the dark will swallow us, followed if you dare to.'

"Is this where Mr Y lives?" Gustave asked when we entered the office.

"This is where he works," I told him.

"Step lively, child," Fleck said.

"He is waiting," Squelch told him.

I saw Erik wearing an all-black suit with a long black coat that looked good on him.

I saw Erik wearing an all-black suit with a long black coat that looked good on him

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At this point, I was used to all the dress shirts so I liked this change. I gave him a smile which he saw and smiled back. There was the smile I dearly missed.

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