Prison Mates

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One problem with living in a dark cell was never knowing what the time was. There was also no windows, which was extra annoying. The only thing you could do was counting the hours after the guards called out for lunch, and when everyone else was sleeping in their sad misery. So, to cancel out the boredom, it was normal for you to play dead in the corner so no-one would bother you, as you focused on the happiest thoughts as you fell asleep. In fact, you did it every day until guards went banging on your door.

As the prison door opened, you thought the guards were coming up to do an inspection to make sure you were sleeping peacefully. Instead, they were holding someone with the chains clinking over some dark coloured talons. You sighed as you opened one eye open, shocked at what you saw. Opening up another one, you raised your eyebrows.

This dragon looked just like the one who had stupidly sent all the Doom Raiders to the Hole. They had the same body type, the same smirk upon their jerky faces; but this one was different. Instead of that eye blinding plum colour drippled in orange, but a black coloured dragon with silver accents. Weirdly enough, this interested you; it wasn't the fact he was new, but he looked similar to that egoist. Evil twin brother, perhaps?

He snarled at the guard's as he was thrown in the cell next to you. The guard's looked around the room before walking out. The place next to you, ey? You couldn't concentrate with the dragon's snarling and constant muttering, so you decided to talk to the guy.

"So, which person got you?" The cells were echoy, mainly so the guard's could hear what you were talking about. The dragon replied, and he talked with a voice that sounded a bit different then his familiar looking counterpart.

"The Skylanders. What, did none of them get you?"

"No-one got me. I just landed in here." You said calmly, and you had the feeling the dragon raised his eyebrows.

"So, why are you here, then; if no-one got you? The Skyblanders are the biggest nuisance ever and I'm surprised those idiots didn't get you."

"I'm here for being born." You said with a chill tone.

"What?" He replied, confused.

"My family committed some pretty bad crimes. In the end, they found my mum when she was in the process of having me. They've kept me in here ever since, in case I turn out like them. At least you've seen sunlight."

"Sunlight? Please. I was created to create darkness all across Skylands. That must be disappointing, never having the chance to do evil or punch those idiots in their worthless faces."

"So, master of darkness, can't you get out?"

"I could; but these guards are way more smarter then the Skyblanders. The security removes my powers; which I could totally destroy, since I can control technology, so basically I'm screwed." He paused for a second. "I feel bad for you; you didn't even the chance to cause chaos; they threw you in for no good reason."

"Oh." You were quite taken aback by this; you were never told that before. "I mean, if I'm good enough, they said they'll let me out. Until then, I'm not taking the chance, I want to leave this  mess."

The dragon chuckled. "I'll never get that chance. When your light was eaten, you were going to serve the overlord of Skylands, and is pure evil, I'll never get a second chance."

There was a bit of silence as you process that thought. Born to serve someone who was obviously going to destroy the world, it sounded like a horrible experience. Then again, you didn't know this guy before he got his light eaten, but he just seemed so similar to that purple dragon who was friends with that rock and big ears elf.

"What's your name?" You asked, which was probably the first question you should've asked.

You swear you felt the dragon smile. "Glad you asked. Name's Spyro."

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