chapter 1 adopted

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The anti strike team was fighting some grimm for training.

Paid: These things are easy Templar.

Templar: Should I tell Salem you said that?

Paid: Fuck no. She creeps me out.

Templar: Any more complaints?

Commodore: None from me.

Dog: Nope.

Templar: Good. This whole neutral maniac alliance is weird to me too. But we have ro remember that without it we would have never beaten betrayed alone.

The team heard crying.

Templar: I sense a small energy level.

Templar approached some bushes and pushed them apart. There he saw a small boy.

Boy: *sniffle* Hello.

Templar: Hello there child. What are you doing out here all alone.

Boy: *sniffle* My mommy kept hurting me. And she said my daddy ran away.

Templar: How old are you?

Boy: Five.

Templar felt sorry for this poor innocent and defenseless child.

Templar: Come with me. I'll adopt you. What is you're name.

Boy: Y/n. You'll be my new daddy?

Templar: Yeah. I'll give you a home and a family. Come along now.

Templar took the child in. He trained him. So that one day he can find his father. And confront his mother.

In terms of the never ending war throughout the timelines. It will only get worse. Betrayed created the evil maniac alliance. But its members unknown to the neutral and good maniac alliances.

The good maniac alliance and the neutral maniac alliance have an understanding. But nothing past that. The morals of the two differ completely.

Templar did his best to keep the war out of the timeline. But it will come.

Templar and Y/n were going for a little walk. Something Y/n enjoyed very much. He is six now and is very happy. But soon a figure stood in front of them. A woman, in amazonian armor.

?: Well look what I found. A pig man and a child.

Templar: Watch you're manners! I'll kill you in an instant!

?: Just what I mean. Won't show a lady any respect.

Templar: I can't tell if you're joking. But you ain't funny.

?: They call me Amaza. And I'll be taking the kid. He'll make good breeding stock for the girls once he matures.

Templar: Buzz off! You're testing my patience!

Amaza: Oh well. I tried to handle this civilly.

She stood in a combat stance.

Templar: Stay back Y/n. If I'm in trouble run.

Amaza: Y/n. You should come with me. You won't regret it later I promise.

Templar: That's it!

Templar charged for Amaza. She wasn't expecting his speed and was caught off guard. He punched her away.

Amaza: That stings. You must be one of the maniacs.

Templar: I am Templar. You didn't walk away so now you'll die.

Templar formed beams of energy around him.

Templar: Holy returibution!

The beams fired around. Amaza tried to dodge but accidentally dodged into one.

Templar used his energy to make a cross.

Templar: Wrath of god!

The cross went towards Amaza.

Amaza used her energy to make a shield in front of her blocking the attack.

Amaza fired energy into the air. They formed into spears. They flew down towards Templar. He dodged and charged towards Amaza.

Amaza clashed with Templar. They were trying to get the upperhand but were evenly match.

Templar: Not bad. *goes super saiyan* But not enough.

Templar pushed Amaza back.

Amaza: I have a trick too.

Energy of black developed around her.

Amaza: Dark shipon.

Templar: Very well. *goes super saiyan indigo* Come at me.

They continued to fight for some time.

Amaza smiled. She looked at Y/n and formed a spear of energy launching it at him.

Templar: Y/n!

Templar dove in front of the spear at the last possible second taking the spear to the gut.

Y/n: Dad!

Templar weakly: Y/

Amaza walked towards them. Templar fell down.

Amaza: Poor Y/n all alone. Sad that once we can find a way to ensure that only girls will be born that you will no longer be needed. It doesn't work in every timeline.

Y/n was fearful. Amaza walked towards him only to be bashed away by a metal shield.

Amaza: Saya.

In front of Y/n stood a girl with spartan armor on.

Saya: You can't win Amaza.

Amaza: Oh really?

Saiyan and Psycho landed beside Saya.

Saiyan: Really. You okay Templar?

Templar: I have a hole in my gut. No I'm not you idiot!

Psycho: It's a shame you found Templar and not me. I would have loved to, RIP YOU'RE GUTS OUT HA HA HA HA!

Betrayed appeared beside Amaza from the sky.

Betrayed: I told you to stay put!

Amaza: I don't ta-.

Betrayed looked at her with a serious and threatening look.

Betrayed: Remember that you're only tolerated you sexist bitch! And I'm in charge!

Amaza looked scared.

Amaza: S...sorry.

Betrayed: As much as I would love to fight you. I must gather my forces still. Some seem to still disobey.

Betrayed opened a portal and walked through with Amaza.

Templar sat up.

Y/n: Dad! *hugs Templar*

Templar: *hugs back* Who is the new girl.

Saiyan: This is Saya. She is lke a girl version of me. And has her own strike team.

Templar: I can barely stand you though.

Psycho: Its two to one Templar.

Templar: I hate you both.

Saya: Amaza and I have fought through many timelines.

Saiyan: It's like me and Templar.

Templar: If you don't mind. I'm taking Y/n home.

Saiyan: Are you going to make it?

Templar: I'll be fine you idiot.

Templar started walking back home with Y/n. And now he knew. The war has reached this timeline. And it wasn't going to end. Till they were all dead.

male abandoned and abused male reader x Nora Where stories live. Discover now