
435 19 1

2nd August 2018. Paris, France.

From: aaansusinha46@gmail.com

To: daniberton@gmail.com

Subject: News

Hello Dani,

So glad we've kept in contact, you've been amazing to talk to over the last month. I'm so glad you've got into f1 & f2, it's really fun to keep up with and I'm now able to talk about it with someone else which is cool. I do have some big news regarding my f2 job though...

This might come as a complete surprise, but I've been offered a massive opportunity with Formula E and I don't know whether to take it at the moment. Dams are entering a new partnership with Nissan (to replace Renault as a partner), and they're interested in getting me involved. You see... Alex Albon's on the verge of signing a contract with them, and seeing as I work with him on the data, they're interested in getting me as one of the data analysts. It's a huge opportunity and something different, but something just doesn't feel right about it, and I'm not sure whether I should take this leap. I guess I should take some time to properly think this over, but I just wanted to let you know, I might make the move over to Nissan in time for October tests. 

I trust you not to take this information public, it's top secret but I do trust you with this. Please Dani, this stays between you and me. 



The email that Danièle was greeted to when entering the office was nothing short of surprising, so far from what was previously discussed between her and Alex before. What was normally light talk had suddenly descended into confidential information which shouldn't be made public or it could possibly wreck 2 careers. Leaving the email on read, Danièle logged out of the gmail account, instead opening up her outlook account, looking at the new emails that had come through overnight.

The contents were just the usual things she dealt with, such as test drive requests and corporate hire car enqiuries, and she responded to each one with the appropriate response, usually by asking for an appointment date or calling the contact detail stated. A phonecall from her boss stopped her from typing the reply to a client she was currently attending to, and she left the email in a draft, picking the phone up.

"Danièle, comment vas-tu?" He immediately asked down the phone, making Danièle worry that he might be about to drop some big news down the phone. (Danièle, how are you?)

"Je vais bien, Pierre. As-tu besoin de mon aide?" she immediately asked in response, wanting to know where she'd fit into the situation, and why she was required to be phoned up. (I'm doing good, Pierre. Do you need my help?)

"Notre équipe de Formule E, Renault e.Dams, leurs pilotes ont une réunion ici plus tard aujourd'hui. On m'a dit que quand ils arrivent, ils doivent s'enregistrer avec tu." Pierre replied, notifying her of the situation at hand. She knew that there was a chance this would happen, given Alex's confidential email, however it never seemed like a real prospect, not something that would ever involve her. (Our Formula E team, Renault e.Dams, their drivers have a meeting here later today. I was told that when they arrive, they have to register with you.)

"Tu veux qu'ils s'enregistrer avec moi?!" She exclaimed in response, not quite sure what she should be saying in response. She wasn't very secure in social situations, insecure about her ability to talk to people, so to have to talk to 2 high profile racing athletes would definitely be a challenge. (You want them to sign in with me!?)

"Oui Danièle, c'est ce qu'on m'a dit. Sébastien est le plus vieux des deux, et Alex est le plus grand, tu peux voir la différence entre ils." Pierre calmly repeated, confirming the orders to Danièle on the other end of the phone, who let out an audible sigh at the confirmation. (Yes Danièle, that's what I was told. Sébastien's the oldest of the 2, and Alex is the tallest, you'll see the difference between them.)

"Je préparerai leur arrivée, merci." She signed off with, slamming the phone back into its holder to end the call. She was not looking forward to that afternoon. (I'll prepare for their arrival, thank you.)

She went back to answering emails and calls soon after, interchanging between English and French depending on the client base. As the clock struck midday, two men walked in through the automatic doors, approaching the front desk to speak to Danièle. From what Pierre had told her, she could guess the man on the right was Alex, his frame taller than the other man, who she assumed was Sébastien. Looking at them both, Pierre's description was quite acurate, Sébastien looked noticably older, whilst Alex's features still looked rather youthful, sporting a playful smile to go alongside his good looks. Danièle blushed at the thought, knowing she should not be thinking about someone like that on the job.

"Bonjour, je suppose que tu es Sébastien et Alex?" Danièle asked the pair, and to no surprise, Sebastien smiled before nodding in return. (Hello, I suppose you're Sébastien and Alex?)

"Oui, c'est nous. Je suis Sébastien, et il est Alex." he responded, pointing over to Alex when he mentioned the Thai's name. He smiled shyly at the gesture, giving Danièle a little wave as an introduction. Danièle's heart fluttered at the gesture a little, and her cheeks immediately tinted a light pink, before realising Alex was way out of her league anyway. (Yes, that's us. I'm Sébastien, and he's Alex.)

"D'accord. Je dois prendre ton nom de famille et obtenir une photo de toi pour ton passe visiteur, si c'est bon?" She asked back to Sébastien, who willingly obliged, giving his last name as Buemi before looking into the webcam, the photograph printing on a small paper slip which hung on a lanyard he had to wear around the building. (Okay. I have to take your surname and a photograph of you for your visitors pass, if that's good?)

"And you, Alex. I don't know how much of that you understood, but I have to take your surname and a photo of you for the visitor's pass. I hope that's okay?" Her French accent was thick as she switched to English, but she knew that he wasn't that competent in French, so had to make the switch when addressing the Thai. He smiled towards her as he leant on the desk, frame towering over her petite figure sat behind the computer screen and desk.

"I didn't understand much, if I'm honest. And my name's Alex Albon, if you were wondering." He replied, and the name suddenly came springing back to Danièle's mind. She'd never seen the f2 driver's face before, and had never made the connection that this might be the same guy. Really, Pierre's admission that this certain 'Alex' was Thai should've given it away to her, but she still didn't catch on until now.

"Alright, just smile up here now." Danièle instructed him, pointing to the webcam mounted on the desk. Alex willingly obliged, smiling in the photo which was printed on the paper slip moments later. Danièle handed the pass over, and their hands momentarily touched, making her heart beat almost skip a beat. She could've sworn Alex felt it too, for his movement faltered slightly as he began to walk away.

"Have a nice day, monsieurs." She called out to the pair as they made their way towards the stairway, leading up to the private rooms. She didn't know if she imagined it, but she could've sworn Alex turned back to wink, but it could've been a figment of  her imagination.

Either way, caramel brown eyes and a dashing smile were on Danièle's mind for the rest of the day.


Another chapter is up! And this time, Dalex is in motion, not that they know it yet though!

Also apologies if some of the French is shoddy, I'm studying it as part of my uni degree and hope some of my skills aquired have lead me to use the right phrases! If I haven't quite nailed it though, feel free to let me know, and I can change it.

Anyways, thanks so much for the support on this so far. Really hope you're enjoying it, and if you are please leave votes & comments, it really means a lot to me as an author on here :) 


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