Making More Memories and Catching Up with Great Advice. 😊

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Cody and Sabrina were in town for the week and Aaron wanted to invite them over to stay in the guest room across the hall from us.

Aaron: Honey we need to leave the past and start new. We are going to have to let them stay here even if things were sketchy in the beginning with the four of us.
Me: I know. We need to build the bridge and move on.
Aaron: Sounds like a plan.

When Sabrina walked in with Cody and they brought an already little man Corey with them it helped Aaron and I remember how big Conner was getting. We left Conner on the carpet with Corey and the four of us sat on the couch just talking like normal people.

Cody: Sarah remember Tuck?
Me: Yeah.
Cody: Do you mind if he comes to lunch with us tomorrow?
Aaron: I don't mind if he comes. He's a good dude.
Cody: Okay cool. He's bringing his step cousin and his brother with him since he is just spending time ton the city with them.
Me: That makes sense. They get to meet the boys tomorrow.
Cody: Yeah they can. Um Sarah I want you to hang with Sabrina for the day. Is that ok?
Me: I don't mind, I would like to have a talk with her anyways.
Sabrina: Oh god Sarah is gonna kill me.
Me: No no. I won't. I'm gonna be civil trust me.
Aaron: You girls are gonna be fine. I will stay with Cody and the boys.
Me: Okay sounds good.

As Sabrina and I went out for a walk I had to make sure she was okay because I knew she was pregnant.

Me: Are you ok?
Sabrina: Yeah Sarah. I'm okay thank you for asking.
Me: Your welcome honey.
Sabrina: Sarah I know the past has been crazy for us but I love how we are starting this over.
Me: Yeah it has but you know what I want us to move on from that and I want to help you with this new baby coming. I think I have a right to help Sabrina.
Sabrina: You do Sarah. You really do and I was talking to Cody about it yesterday. I want you and Aaron in this baby's life no matter the past we had honestly speaking. Things happen and we have to think about the future now. We cannot keep going at this with a fight every single time something else comes up. We have to push through this.
Me: You are right. I have known Cody just as long as you have and I'm sorry for the shit I pulled with him.
Sabrina: Sarah you know I was jealous of the connection you had with Cody but you know what I know I can't break the connection because he is a part of your childhood and I can't do that to you. Losing him in your life is going to hurt you but you know what I said to him if something happened to Aaron or I one day I want you with Cody. I trust you with Cody Sarah. I know you have his grandma's necklace and I'm so glad he gave that to you because you deserve it more than me. You were always there for him when he needed you the most. I was selfish Sarah you aren't.
Me: That means a lot coming from you.
Sabrina: Your welcome.

As we went back into the house later that day Cody was on the couch with the boys watching The Sandlot with Aaron.

Aaron: How was the walk?
Me: It was nice. Were the boys okay?
Cody: Oh yeah. They were fine. We kept them entertained. I usually don't say this but I love that you girls are talking again.
Aaron: Yeah I really do also. Cody and I got to have a conversation about how we want the future to be and Cody is thinking in the off season that we go back to Williamsport and run a baseball camp for the little ones.
Sabrina: The boys are going to be old enough so you can teach them also.
Cody: Yeah I was thinking that honey.
Sabrina: Sarah and I would love to help as best as we can.
Cody: Actually Sabrina I want you and Sarah to work together with running a mini softball league.
Me: I like that idea.
Sabrina: Me too. I really do. I mean I know enough about the game but not as much as Sarah since you played since you could walk.
Me: Trust me I will teach you everything you need to know honey.
Sabrina: Sounds good to me.

The next day......

The four of us with the boys met Cole and his step cousin and brother at the spot we picked to eat lunch.

I looked over at Cole and smiled at him and he smiled back. I had a feeling he remembered me from the younger years.

Cole: Hey Sarah. I remember you.
Me: Hey Cole. I had a feeling you did. How are you doing with the Pirates?
Cole: Not bad. I mean I am working towards a World Series so let's see if that happens.
Me: Yeah it should soon. It has been happening to a lot of teams lately.
Cole: Yeah I can agree with you.

As we all sat down to eat we just chatted as normal people would and we were just catching up with stuff that Cole and his family pretty much missed. His little brother was playing with a farm league and his cousin was playing softball in a farm league as well. Things were getting sporty according to Cole since the off season was always the best talk time for any of us.

Cole: So how is baby number two coming along Sabrina?
Sabrina: It is great. I can wait for Corey to become a big brother. I know he's excited right Corey?

Of course Corey with his daddy's eyes looked up at his mom and smiled since he was just at that cute but curious age of two.

Cole: Corey got big so I'm happy he gets to have someone to play with.
Aaron: I said the same thing Cole. Honestly speaking Sarah and I are trying for another but we decided to wait a little longer and just let Jesus Take The Wheel.
Cole: I am not rushing so neither should you guys. Kids are serious work even I knew that when I had to take care of my little brother. Dude was a pain in the ass but I always had to take him to teach him things because I was always a role model for him.
Sabrina: That is what you have to do. You really have to break life down for them Cole. They learn the hard and easy stuff as they go along.
Cole: True, they do.

The rest of the afternoon was nice and to be honest with you Cody asked Cole a question that made us all smile wide.

Cody: Dude we were wondering if you wanted to help us next year in the off season in Williamsport by helping Aaron and I run a fall/winter baseball league.
Cole: That sounds amazing. I would love to help and I can get my family involved also. I really love that you guys came up with that.
Cody: Yeah Aaron and I thought about it yesterday at his place and we want to get the boys involved in something early.
Cole: Good idea.

Things were going to turn out amazing as the time continued to grow.

Cole: Thanks for inviting us.
Sabrina: It was no biggy we love the company.
Me: Yeah. (:

Cole knew he was going to keep in contact with us over the next couple of months just to catch up and we thought that was a good idea.

"Memories on the Ballfield"(Sequel to Earning His Love)Where stories live. Discover now