Pilot:Meet The Beasley's

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"Welcome to Rory Beasley's close circle documentary! If I don't get an A on this, my parents will freak!" Rory spoke into a camera, he walked around the house attempting to do his homework, at least it was somewhat fun work this time, he got graded for prodding at his family and friends, what could be more fun then that?

"Here we have my sister Kassidy on the phone like always, whoever's on the other end of the phone, must have a LOT of patience" Rory whispered peeking at her from the living room.

A teenage girl, at least four years older than Rory sat on the kitchen counter, phone in hand, the line coiled up around her arm and hand, as she played in her hair, talking and laughing into the speaker, similar to Rory; she had blue eyes, and brown hair, Rory's a lighter, almost reddish color, hers was longer though and currently pulled into a pony tail with a bright neon scrunchy.

"Hold on Ashely..." Kassidy said covering the speaker, "I'm on the phone you snot!" She shrieked, "Is she a pterodactyl, or a sister, the world may never know" Rory said into his camera bugging his eyes a bit, "Is he dead or alive? We're about to find out!" Kassidy said making a movement towards her brother, Rory took the hint quickly fleeing...

"My dad Daniel Beasley everybody! Spending his weekend- fixing things..." Rory said zooming in on half his dad's torso underneath a four sitter white convertible, a rather loud *bang!* Was heard before a middle-aged man slid from under the car, his face and brown hair had a few stains of black grease, and he was rubbing his head that had began throbbing now. "Rory, can't you do this some place else?" Daniel asked looking a bit exasperated, "Believe it or not, it's homework, you have to be in it" Rory answered, "Home work eh?" Daniel said sliding out further, Rory nodded causing the camera to bob along with him, "What is this, a "My Hero" report? I remember when I had those back in my day..." Daniel said with a pleased smile, "No, it's more of an extended "introduce yourself" I'm suppose to be introducing my family and friends, talking about them from my perspective" Rory answered, "Oh," Daniel said sounding a bit deflated for a brief moment, "Well buckaroo, any questions?" He asked sitting up more, "Uh, can I go to the comic store next weekend?" Rory asked causing his father to sigh, "Yes, but only after you finish ALL your homework understood?" Daniel asked, "As you can see, my dad's a very generous man, nice, hardworking- I kinda like him!" Rory said smiling, causing his father to smile along, "Heck, I'll throw in a dollar twenty-five too!" Daniel said taking some money from his wallet, Rory excitedly took it before smiling at the camera again, "What a guy!" He exclaimed, "Yeah, yeah, now run along before I'm broke" Daniel said, sliding back under his car as he heard his sons footsteps fade away.

"My Mom Savanna Beasley, responsible for...uh," Rory said as he walked backwards from the front door cradling his camera in his hands filming his mom as she walked in with two brown paper bags full of groceries. "Cooking, cleaning, keeping you alive, for starters," She said giving him a bit of a sarcastic smirk, "Oh yeah!" Rory exclaimed, "Are you doing your report honey?" Savanna asked putting the bags down, "Yep! I'm suppose to get clips and say stuff about ya, be careful!" Rory said, "Oh I will be, don't want you to catch me..." Savanna said coming closer to the camera checking her shoulders just to make sure no one was listening, "DOING THE DISHES!" She said, making Rory sigh, "Mom! I need something more interesting" He said following her as she took the groceries into the kitchen now, "Hmm, you could do the dishes?" She said looking over her shoulders, "Then I, and the viewers would be bored!" Rory complained, "You're doing the dishes after dinner" Savanna told him more sternly this time, "Learn to keep your mouth shut kids" Rory said into his camera before turning it around again, Savanna giggled before kissing his cheek, yelling at Kassidy to help her put everything away.

"What's this?" They said through munching on an apple poking at the cameras lens, "You of all people shouldn't be asking, I'm still doing my report, I've been working on it all weekend, it's due Tuesday?" Rory told his friend, whom was rested on a trash can back against the wall, before swatting their hand away from the lens , they made a "o" mouth before swallowing chewed bites of apple. "Report?" He asked scrunching his face, "Due Tuesday" Rory replied zooming in on him, after a few more big bites they demolished the apple to the core tossing it in the swinging door on the trash bin, before hopping off quickly dashing away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2019 ⏰

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