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I was in the family room, sitting on the couch, with a drink and letter in each hand. I have read it but don't exactly understand. There is something she was trying to say without coming right out and say it. I read:

Dear Damon, 

I know we haven't had a normal brother and sister relationship. You were more like a father to me than our father. So I know it's going to hurt you to hear that you can let go. I'm 178 years  old and I think I'm ready to do this on my own for a little while. I know it's going to be scary and I know I can always call and talk to you but when you don't hear from me I need you to teach Hope all the things you taught me. Love her, Damon. She will keep reminding you of me until I get back to you and when you are protecting her. Trust your instincts. If you have problems just remember you have Stefan to help you. Don't try to do everything yourself. I will be back as soon as I can. I love you Damon.

Your little sister,

She has to be telling me something. She leaves no phone number or address. I don't know what to do. I pick up my phone and dial her number. It rings 3 times then voice mail picks up. She can not leave me again. She is my sister. I have to protect her. Who will protect her? tears start to form in my eyes and I get aggravated so I throw my glass in the fire and run out the house. It is getting hard to breath. I hear a female British accent saying "Damon, calm down. She will be okay, I promise." I feel a hand on my back. I'm on my knees with my arms slumped. "How can you know?" She smiles as she says "Because I'm going to meet her." My head goes straight up and I look her in the eyes and think. Samantha really hasn't lost her mind yet. "Good, call and give me updates." I say then get up and walk off. 

The lonely SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now