(🚺) Melon x Ex-friends

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Side note: BDSM involved, small spoilers of the manga, and OC (off character, srry)

2nd Person~
Every morning you would walk to school with Melon, as you two shared the same street. You found him interesting and a bit weird, but you liked it too. You were also a bit weird in your own way and you found that comforting.
It was a clear memory when you saw him finally snap, pushing those boys off the edge with you on the ground beaten up by them, you couldn't help but feel scared. Once everyone was gone from the rooftop, you stared at him wide eyed, as he stared at you.
He walked past you, giving you a glance before walking out. Of course you yelled his name, hoping for him to come and help you, but he simply glances at you and heads out of your life.
At times you would see him before he was pulled out from the school, watching from afar as you would get beaten up by the herbivores as he stood there doing nothing but drinking his juice box. After all those days of him exposing himself to you, you've moved away. Never giving a glance to that mix hybrid peeking from his window as the truck was loaded, you left.

His eyes never left you as you ate the meal prepared in front of you. You knew quite will as to why he was frustrated.
You were of course a guest to him.

"Calm down, and eat." You mention the meat in front of him as the lions act civilized to this new "boss". You knew what he wanted but you also knew that whatever he wanted, he wasn't going to get it.

"I'm pretty sure you know what I want, Sugarplum." Sipping down the wine, you couldn't help but smile grimly to his comment.

"Do I?" Your head leans forward, looking down at the meat.

"If your not going to eat, I'll gladly eat it for you,~" purring to his direction, you watch in-content of him adding cream and flavors as his first bite was a struggle.
Glancing to Free next to you, you quickly avert you attention as Melon stands up and heads your way. Kneeling down to your height, he sticks a knife right in front of your finger. "My, you do know how to get a girl going." He grips your cheeks in his, opening your jaw open to see those set of teeth he chuckles.

"It's been a while old friend, I've almost forgotten those small canine teeth, those small helpless eyes that begged for my help." You knew he was teasing you, but his words meant a whole lot to you. "And I remember when you finally snap to becoming a, loner. No mommy's hugs, no daddies pats, you were alone." This sent him over the edge and quickly stab your hand with the knife.
He awaits for a scream from you, but nothing came. He looked back up at you, to see you unfazed.

"That, was nice. How did you know?" Your other hand taps Free's lap as to what the plan was. He understood as he glances at the next male till they were out of his sight, did one of them give the signal for Louis to escape.

"You, can't feel pain?" Shrugging, you grab your own knife and strike his arm as will, seeing him quickly change his demeter.

"Nah, I've lost them. Will, technically I never had any. The same as taste buds. But, you on the other hand, can and not." When taking the knife off, he took off yours. Using one of the table cloth, you took his hand in your own, trying the wound as you left your own.
Melon stared at this interaction, baffled at this affection no one gave to him. Once you were done, you check the time and saw that Louis should of escaped by now and was a few miles away.

"I'll take my leave." Standing up, you do a quick bow to the Shishigumi and then towards the hybrid, you do a small pat before heading out.

"Hope to see you soon, Muffin." With that said you exited.


When arriving home, you notice a figure walking behind a few feet's away from your destination. When unlocking the door, the person quickly slams your body against theirs, intwining their arms around yours, before shouting the door.
Slamming against the floor, you weren't bothered to see Melon on top of you.

"What now? You're going to rape me? Huh? Kill me? Or eat me?" He held your hands above your head with one hand as his other roams your sides. "Alright, we're going for number one, huh?" It didn't take you long to get him off you and onto the ground with your heel pressing his manhood. And your hand wrap around his neck.
When pressing against his neck, you felt quite please by this situation but a bit, sad. Melon on the other hand, was enjoying being suffocated by you. His hands warped themselves around your arms to press harder.
When you glared down at him, you didn't feel sad anymore but angry.

"Why?! Why did you stood watch, while I endure the pain?!" His face flushed red when your hands tighten "you should die." Thoughts races everywhere with image of his cold body laying beneath you, but instead, you let him go and got off the pervert.

"Lock the door when you walk out," your voice quickly changed as you grabbed your items off the floor and onto the hooks on the wall.
This upset Melon quite much. He stood and march you way, yanking your should to have you face you.

"You can't just walk away, while I'm like this. I comman-" when he saw those unfazed eyes yet again, it made him feel warm inside. As if something made him feel smaller then any animal, he liked it.

"I don't have to do shit, a women can walk away if she doesn't want to." You notice how his expression changed. His face was more flushed while his fur puffed up a second before relaxing. "You sure are a nasty pervert, aren't you?"
His eyes melted when he saw those heated set of eyes. His knees buckle to the ground, as he crawled onto your leg, saying in a quite surprise desperate tone, "please, tie me up and punish me~" this kind of made you feel uncomfortable by his sudden change of personality.

"Your more of a dog, then a normal animal." It was strange to see him enjoying his member being pushed down by your foot. He enjoyed listening to your harsh words of disgust towards himself. But what he loved the most, was when he could see you enjoying him suffer.

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