Chap 8

412 13 1

You looked at Vernon in shock, he looked guilty, and it showed. "(Y/N) I'm so sorry..." he said, look at the ground. "W-What do you mean YOU did all of this?" You asked, stuttering a bit on the words. You quickly stood up, "You tried to kill Chen?!" you yelled, but not loud enough so that other people from outside could hear. Vernon looked at you in confusion, he now looked very concerned. "Wait what? No, that was-" Vernon's voice was interrupted by a sound of a door opening, and both of your faces looked at the door. "Hey (Y/S/N), Kai wants to talk to yo- why are you here?" It was Jennie, and she looked confused, staring at Vernon. "Wait, you guys know each other?" You ask, glancing back to both Jennie and Vernon. Vernon looked embarrassed, and Jennie looked uncomfortable.

"Yeah, we dated..." Vernon said, scratching the back of his neck. "ONCE AGAIN, WE DIDNT DATE! IT WAS A ONE- NIGHT STAND! IM NOT INTO YOUNGER MEN!" Jennie quickly denied. You were confused, and slightly concerned. "It's fine I don't care at the moment, so call it whatever you guys want to call it. All I'm concerned about is Chen's safety" you explained, making sure to take this opportunity to stay as far away from Vernon as you could. Jennie looked at Vernon, and you atomatically. "Soooooo" you said awkwardly, "how'd THIS happen?" pointing to both Jennie and Vernon. Jennie finally had remembered the reason why she went up to the rooftop in the first place, "Can we please not talk about this! (Y/N), Kai wants to talk to you, like ASAP" Jennie said, and you were quick to follow through with her commands. So you left, leaving that awkward situation to Vernon and Jennie to 'talk about their relationship'. Since they obviously seem unaware of their relationship status.

You walked down the stairs, until you stopped at a shady figure. It was a girl.
"I don't understand why Kai is so interested in you..." the shadowed figure, it must've been her- it had to be her. "Who the hell even are you?" You yelled. "Someone you'll regret crossing..." the shadow chuckled. "You don't scare me at all" you lied, your whole body was frozen and you were terrified. "If you continue interacting with Kai, EXO's blood will be on your hands" the voice chuckled. "The police will catch you sooner or later" you said, and with that, she ran off. You planned to chase after them, but you were wearing heels from that Salsa with Kai. You haven't changed from your stage outfits, and the only thing you were wearing was a jacket- which was the jacket that Chanyeol had given you. You're hands were shaking, and you seriously wanted to breakdown.

But you continued walking to the ground lower level, and finally saw Kai, with his elbows resting on his knees and hands cupping his face. It looked like he was waiting- he was waiting for you. "Hey Kai, you wanted to talk to me?" You said, ignoring the fact that he almost blamed you for Chen's poisoned water. "Oh hey (Y/N)" Kai stared at you, his eyes had looked so tired. "Can I talk to you?" Kai asked. "Well, I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to talk" you replied, hinting a bit of sarcasm. Out of nowhere, Kai had grabbed your arm, and pulled you into some sort of unknown balcony. 'This feels too much like a fanfic...' you kept repeating in your head.

"Wha-What is this?" you stutter, holding onto Kai's hand tighter. "You kissed me during the salsa... and I just wanted to know if you... meant it" his face flushed with red. "ARE YOU FORGETTING THE FACT THAT YOU HATED ME JUST A FEW MINUTES AGO?!!" You added. You were a mixture of scared, sad, confused, and partly in love all in one! You didn't know how to feel, "I thought we talked about our relationship already, It doesn't exist" you said, looking away from Kai.

Your eyes lay upon a beautiful landscape of candles, and rose petals path, with a little picnic in the center, plus all of this under an amazing night sky. "K-Kai?" You asked, still holding hands. "Mhm?" He responds, getting down to fix the blanket laid on the ground in front of you. "You think this is really necessary? I mean, we're having a lovey-dovey picnic in a hospital where people have most likely died??" You say, explaining your logic. Kai laughed, "Yeah, I guess it is. But, I'll do anything for you, and with you, forever and ever!" He says happily, pulling down to sit with him. Your cheeks were pink, and for the first time, you maybe were well aware of the fact that you liked Kai back.

You both sat there in silence, eating the food, when questions started to pop into your head.

"Yo Kai!" You said to the male beside you. He looked at you. "When did you start speaking English so well?" You asked while munching on your BigMac. Kai chucked and said, "I got this cool app called Duolingo!". You died of laughter, remembering the time you tried learning Korean on Duolingo but the stupid hearts would take FOREVER to regenerate. "Can I ask you a question?" Kai asked. "Go ahead" you say, ears ready to listen to the question. "Are you and Chanyeol still dating?"

You sighed, your temples. "To be quite honest, I don't really know what we are anymore" you responded. "Nothing adds up to me anymore, first; I thought he rejected me. Second; we got together. Third; we broke up. And now here we are, talking about my love life. I just don't get it!" Kai looked at you, trying to comprehend the difficult words you just used, but you completely ignored his confused face, and kept going off. "Like honestly! Vernon is back and he was apparently dating Jennie. But Vernon is like a SUPER psychopath because he tried to kill Chen, but that doesn't make sense cause the girl that attacked us is A GIRL, so how did Vernon manage to ge-" "IT WAS VERNON WHO TRIED TO KILL CHEN?" Kai practically yelled into your ears. 'Shoot, I forgot Kai really wants to kill whoever poisoned Chen's water right now' you thought to yourself.

Suddenly, a sound was being heard from behind the door! You were scared, you knew that it was her- the saseng!

"Can you go check it?" You asked Kai, too scared to do it yourself. Kai got up, and slowly walked to the door with caution. Then he swiftly opened the door, and a small figure had fallen forwards- meaning that they've been putting their head against the wall to try to listen to you and Kai's conversation. Kai's eyes widened in shock, and realization had finally hit you! "K-Krystal?" Kai asked....

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