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Enjoy. ❤️


The boy stared at the man.

'He's new..'

A shallow thought came to mind, he sat there quietly as the stranger made his way in front of him, he looked up at the man with vacant eyes.
His hand lifted up slowly and a bandaged finger extended out pointing to the door next to them. The man looked at his hand and then the entrance, his smile never faltering.

"Good! I'm at the right place, thank you." The man then backed away and before he turned and disappeared through the door, the boy spotted a glimpse of mans name tag clipped to his white coat.

'Dr. Stark'

Moments later the nurse from before came walking out, "Ok hun time to go back to your room."

The woman waited for him to stand up as she began walking back to the patients corridors. He followed close behind, his bare feet tapping the cold marble floor with every step. It didn't take long with only a few twist and turns to arrive at their destination. The woman grasped the steel metal handle and pushed the door open so he could walk in.

'Ok hun no picking at those bandages ya hear, take good care and I'll come back in a little bit." She grinned while closing the door leaving him alone in the dimly lit room.

Not batting an eye he walked over to his bed, sitting rather uncomfortably. His days were so... bland, they come and go, with more time wasted, more pain that lingers, and more words that were still unspoken, held back by the sheer feeling of emptiness.

He sighed leaning back on the small mattress, fatigue was starting to way on him, he blinked a couple of times, each one slow and lazy before sleep over took him into a peaceful place.

-Time skip-

A loud knock echoed through the room, with a quiet 'Hello, Mr. Parker?'

It was the doctor from before along with the same southern nurse, when they realized the patient was asleep the nurse crept over lightly tapping the others forearm, 'Wake up hun you have a special visitor who'd like to meet you."

The boy slowly opened his eyes, sitting up, he blinked; it was the same man from before. His optimistic smile glared like the sun, he grimaced before moving away from the woman, standing up cautiously. The nurse took no offense and smiled, "This is Doctor Stark, he will be looking after you for the time being, we thought a personal introduction would be rather.. more affective in your case."

The man- Doctor Stark, stepped up behind the woman placing a large, firm hand on her shoulder, "I'll take it from here Ms. Joana."

She raised a brow before nodding with a smile, she paced out of the room, the door clicking behind her.

"Alright, now.." the Doctor turned to his patient.

"Mr. Parker, or Peter, which do you prefer?"


Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed!

suminous- ❤️

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