Choose Your Feelings Over Your Pride.

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"So, will you go out to dinner with me?"

"Nope" I started walking away. 

As if he'd think I would just say yes. 

Pfft, he's in for a treat if he thinks I'm that easy. Nobody fucks with my feelings and then just up and asks me out to dinner, he's only going to do it again and I am not becoming one of those typical sad girls that just accept their boyfriend or partner, or whatever you want to call it, walk all over her and treat her like dog shit then just bounce back after an;

 "I'm sorry and I love you" 

as well as the fake ass begging of;

 "I'll make it up to you" 

haha, get fucked.

"Look, please. I'm so genuinely sorry. I didn't mean to play with your mind, I just go so caught up with my friends there" I stopped and turned around, merely a few feet away.

"Oh, so that makes it okay? Fucking grow a set and stop giving a damn what others think of you. If you want to care about a girl, you care for that girl. If you want to be an inconsiderate prick, that's your choice but I will not sit here and let you make a fool of me. I have more bloody dignity than that" I scoffed and strutted the opposite way from him, waiting for those 6 words.

"Please, I'll make it up to you!" He shouted from behind me as I heard his footsteps.

Ahh, there they were. Ha, he even threw in a please.

"And I'll continue to not give a fuck if you can't choose your feelings over your pride. Go sit on a cactus and rotate, dickbag!" I smirked and continued to walk with both my hands in the air with both my birds free, for everyone to see. 

I heard him slightly chuckle at me so I stopped and glared at him.

"You don't get to laugh at me and feel joy about my sass. You lost that when you chose your pride over my feelings, fuckstick" I sneered as I continued my journey in the same opposite direction as I have been for the past 10 minutes. 

I smiled to myself at how I handled that. I remember when years ago; I was that stubborn, quiet, weak little girl that never spoke up for herself. I was like that from the age of 5 to the age of 15. I'm now 17 and kicking life's ass. There's no way that I'm going back to how I was, getting taunted, pummelled by those harsh words and occasional trip over's, pathetic rumours and awful pranks and stunts. 

My nick-name was Jerry. I have ADHD and ADD. So, I had both a short attention span AND a massive anger management issues, how fun right? I can't believe how far I've come, I can't believe how confident I'm becoming, how strong I'm becoming. All because of them. My mother, best friends and those bullies that taught me to prove them wrong. I got pretty, I worked to get fit, I did squats, I still study and let me tell you this. 

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