💙The new guy💚

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*Ben POV*                                           "Ben get up" I hear Sally yell at me "uhhhg why" I look at my clock "sally its only 4:30" i groan "get up slendyman needs you" Sally tells me high pitch tone "uhhhhg fine" i say  finally I get up sally is jumping up and down "huray" she yells as she runs out of my room I get dressed and walk down the stairs I see jeff at the table  "hey elftwink" says Jeff loudly "shut up Jeffrey" I say "aww the elftwink is mad" says jeff in a moking voice "shut up" I mumble "well anyway slender wants you in his office "says jeff "yeah I know" I replie  as I  Begin
To walk up the stairs  I start to knock on the door when I Hear Slender's voice say "COME IN CHILD" I open the door "hey sally said you needed me" there was no answer for a few seconds and then he said "BENJAMIN I'M  SURE YOUR NOT AWARE BUT WE ARE GETTING A NEW PROXY"  more silence "uhhm slendy why do we need another proxy" he did not  reply for a moment and then he said  "TOBY COME OUT " a beautiful brunette boy wearing orange goggles are mouthguard walks out from behind the door "y-yes slendy" "TOBY THIS IS BEN" i blush when i see the boy "         h-hello ben"  he says Happily "nice to m-meet you".      

*Toby pov *
I walk out to see a cute blond in front of me I blush lightly under my mask then I say "y-yes slendy"  the blond boy blushes "TOBY THIS IS BEN " I'm quite for a second and then I say in a cheerful tone "h-hello Ben" the boy is silent so I say "nice to       m-meet you"...


Sorry its so short a new chapter will be out soon I promise -Lunathemoonchild💜

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