Time is running out

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Twilight's view
1 last death before the killer is going down. I hope that it isn't Fluttershy or Rarity or AppleJa- BOOM! A gunshot. I run to the library where I find Spike, on the ground bloody and grunting. "Spike!!!" I screamed. "Twilight.... the killer is.... is..... Sunset Shimmer." Then he died.
I ran to look for a spell that could bring Spike, Applebloom, Scootaloo, Pinkie and Dashie back to life.
I sent a letter to Princess Celestia saying ,
Dear Princess Celestia,
I have horrible news.... 5 deaths have come to young people in Ponyvillie because of a killer. I need a spell to bring Spike, Applebloom, Pinkie, Scootaloo, and Dashie back to life. The killer killed them all. Help me save them.
-Twilight Sparkle
Rarity's view
Now that 2 of my sister SweetieBelle's friends are dead, I'm so worried about her.I must protect her. I run into her room when I hear her scream. Then I see a masked mare pushing her into a sack and jumping out her window with SweetieBelle!!!!!
"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream as I run toward the window to save her. Time, is running out for everyone.
End of part 5

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