Start The Incision

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'Another day of mind-numbing lessons...' thought Imogen as she stepped onto the bus with her bus pass clasped firmly in her hand.

The bus driver's eyebrows narrowed as he looked at her pass and then nodded, mumbling a phrase of recognition before she headed up the isle, taking a seat next a window. She was followed by her twin sister, Rose and she sat down on the seat next to her, her lips forming a slight frown. Rose opened her complicated bag, trying to get her Kindle out and failing. Imogen grinned at this before turning her head to the window, her mind filling with the lyrics of various songs that began to play on her phone.

Kill Rock 'n Roll by System Of A Down started to play and she smiled at her favourite lyric. She thought about the song and how it was perfect for how she felt after she had an argument with someone.

Her playlist then got to it's end, so she fished her phone out of her pocket, the lock screen lighting up her face and she admired her Peter Capaldi wallpaper before she swiped her thumb across the cool screen, unlocking her phone. After accessing her music, she clicked shuffle as she wasn't bothered to pick out a song at the minute. 

Imogen's heart skipped a beat at what song played. It was Miss Nothing by The Pretty Reckless, which she thought was the perfect song for how she felt about her crush or crushes, she wasn't sure. Her mind raced as the chorus came on, her heart suddenly sinking into her stomach as she felt herself being pushed back by her emotions, on the brink of hitting sadness.

She was snapped out of her thoughts as Rose tapped her on the shoulder, signalling that it was time to get off the bus and Imogen smiled at her, masking her emotions for the millionth time in her life. She turned of her phone, stuffing it back into her pocket and exiting the bus with her sister.

"What do we have today?" Imogen asked after they left the vehicle, curious as to what they would do today.

"Umm... I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure we have Physics and History and I think you have Art.." Rose replied, grinning at her sister, satisfied with her answer.

"Oh, okay... thanks." Imogen realised that her favoured teachers were in all of those lessons and she was filled with euphoria, her attitude changing.

* * * *

Mr McCoffee slammed his car door shut, trying to balance all of his work into his hand as he locked the door, putting the keys into his pocket.

"Why didn't I bring a bag?" he muttered under his breath, annoyed at his stupidity.

He quickly checked his appearance in the car window, before heading into the school building.

His heart started to pound as he realised that he had the class with Imogen in it today. Mr McCoffee really loved her artwork and would always be impressed by the care and time that she took to create such beautiful works of art.

* * * *

Mr McDerf entered his Physics classroom, specifically room A215, and set his bag down on one of the tables, taking his coat off and hanging it on the pegs near the door, which was now shut. He walked over to his desk, looking at his timetable for today that was in a rather large book.

He noticed what class he had first, which was also the class with Imogen in and he felt his heart beat quicken.

He smiled to himself before sitting down, getting his stuff sorted for the lessons to come.

* * * *

Mr Kurt walked across the Level One corridors, carrying a History file under his arm. It had gotten into his classroom by mistake and he was going to give it back.

He entered room A130, saying a quick greeting to one of his co-workers, Mrs Rogers.

"I have one of your files, Mrs Rogers." he stated, holding it up and she smiled at him, standing up. Mr Kurt noticed that she had took her high heels off and thought it was odd at first but then realised how uncomfortable those footwear are.

"Oh, whose is it?" she asked, grabbing the file from his grasp and looking at the name on the side. "Ah, it's Imogen's.. Silly girl must've put it in the wrong box!" she giggled.

"Y-yeah..." Mr Kurt stuttered, his heart leaping into his mouth as he heard that name.

He uttered a quick goodbye before leaving, feeling those long gone emotions coming back to haunt him again. This was going to be a long day.

My Heart, Cut Into Three Pieces (Teacher x Student)Where stories live. Discover now